Repetition | Teen Ink


November 15, 2009
By Em-ily SILVER, Temecula, California
Em-ily SILVER, Temecula, California
6 articles 0 photos 10 comments

I hate this. every night i dream this dream.

it starts out with me in a dark, cold, mossy forestt. I'm sittingng in the heart of the forest, cross legged, with a razor in one hand and blood cuts on the other arm.

he walks out of the shadowwas of the trees and gives me that look. that disappointpointed look. the look your parentsts give you when you've done something wrong.
that look.

he then brings me to my feet and holds me close to him, with me hold on to my bloody arm. he doesn't let go for a long while.

then, he leads me to a metal framed bed. he folds back the sheets and blankets and helps me into bed.
he then folds the blankets back over me then whispers in my ear

"have sweet, beautiful dreams, my dear."

i watch him disapear back into the vast darkness of forest...

then before i know it, i'm brought back to reality, where people don't fly, and hearts do get broken.


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