My Own Little Bubble | Teen Ink

My Own Little Bubble

May 31, 2010
By lovsummergirl94 PLATINUM, West Windsor, New Jersey
lovsummergirl94 PLATINUM, West Windsor, New Jersey
20 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I wish I could travel to a place that is all my own. I’ll call it my bubble. It’s a glorious place where only my dreams shall live. All those dreams that haven’t come true and all those dreams I’m still waiting to come true. In my own little bubble, nobody could disturb me. The outside world should cease to exist.

I wish I could voyage deep, deep under the sea. I’ll explore the wonders of the ocean from the comfort of my bubble. Look at the dark, hidden secrets that the underworld has to share. No one can bother me there, deep under the ocean. My time will be all my own. And I’ll live perfectly in my own little bubble.

I wish I could disappear into my own little bubble. Not worry about anything, not have any qualms. Hibernate in my little universe for eternity. This way, I won’t have to deal with reality. This way, I’ll be in my own world and never cry. This way, I can never be disappointed. This way, I’ll be happy. I wish I could live in my own little bubble.

The author's comments:
This piece is about that yearning desire to sometimes just be left alone. That imaginative place in your mind where you go when you want to run away from the world and run away from reality.


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