Raining | Teen Ink


October 6, 2010
By KhyrsteaBurnell GOLD, New Gloucster, Maine
KhyrsteaBurnell GOLD, New Gloucster, Maine
14 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Drip, drop, the little rain drops fall. You hear the pit pat of the rain hitting the concrete floor. You move to the side making sure that you don't get wet. You cry softly to your self thinking how did I get in this mess.You cry even harder and the rain comes down faster. You scream as lightning strikes ad thunder booms. A bright yellow and white streak hits you fall to the ground . Stunned. A person sees you and runs over asking if you are okay. Asking you if you can hear her. You are stunned. You looked down upon. Then you noticed your body is moving the girl gets up and walks right through. All you keep on saying to yourself is how did I get myself into this.


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