In the Dog House | Teen Ink

In the Dog House

November 27, 2010
By SpokenVerse SILVER, Albuquerque, New Mexico
SpokenVerse SILVER, Albuquerque, New Mexico
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is full of everything, you can find the good and the bad when you look for it but, in the end it you who guide your own light.

We worked in the animal shelter across from the highway. I could tell right away, I wouldn't be able to run around like I used to.
The animals that came here were in horrible shape and they looked upon me with sad deppressed eyes.
I was glad to work here but the weather was changing from tollerable warm to an unbearable frost. The dogs slept on the cold floor, that lacked heat. The cats slept in cages that were small, but warm. I brought in as many blankets ad towels as i could but there was always that one animal that still slept on the cold floor.
THere was one dog named Aslan, he was a funny big lap dog and I wish i knew what happened to him. He had the biggest brown eyes. Whn he saw you could tell he knew you. Then one day he was gone. The dog that took his place was a scruffy little thing. She thought the was the tough stuff. She wouldn't let me touch her.
My work at the animal shelter was getting harder and harder as fall turned into winter. Less and less people came to see the animals but more and more animals were coming here. I wish I could say I founf=d a home for all of them but I didn't. Many died but many kived. Some are still looking for homes. I managed to find a home for the the scruffy dog in a small family home. Down here we all are looking for a home. I work and get sick but i'll work till time runs out.So down here the dogs and cats sit waiting and dreaming, down here in the dog house.


This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 20 2010 at 4:21 pm
CanNeverHoldMeBack GOLD, Manhattan, Kansas
10 articles 0 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
friendships are like glass. sometimes it's better to leave them broken then hurt yourself trying to put them back together again.

i liked it! do you hope to do work like this, or do you already do work? i just got the feeling that you really want to do somethign to help these animals. Keep up the good work!!!! and help them in th edog house!