Natalie | Teen Ink


January 14, 2011
By flexiballetgirl GOLD, Windsor, Massachusetts
flexiballetgirl GOLD, Windsor, Massachusetts
15 articles 2 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
The higher up you go, the more mistakes you are allowed.<br /> Right at the top, if you make enough of them, it&#039;s considered to be your style.<br /> <br /> ~ Fred Astaire

Natalie stood in front of her new full length mirror. She was pleased with her reflection; her icy white skin was perfect, her dark brown hair was pulled back with a white satin ribbon, the ringlets were streaming down her back, her white dress was knee length with the newest style of bloomers and glossy white shoes. She went and sat on the window seat and peered out the window and saw a girl with leathery brown skin, a shapeless, faded red dress, ankle boots, and long dirty blond hair plaited in to two messy braids, carrying a ripped bag. This couldn’t be my cousin, she thought. Could it?

The author's comments:
Just a discription of a character


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