Three Rocking Swings | Teen Ink

Three Rocking Swings

April 19, 2011
By Shannon Bader SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Shannon Bader SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who know me. They are the only ones who comfort me. Three rocking swings with worn chains and faded seats. Three who are lonely but together. Three innocently swinging in the backyard. From the back porch, we can see them reaching for us, but everyone else just ignores them.

Their innocence is a comfort. They put a thrill in our hearts. They swing powerfully to the sky and float back down before creating a thrill to fly skyward once more. This is how they are.

When all three swings are filled, and flying through the air, the peel of laughter and joy sing through the air. Higher, higher, higher they cry in delight. They soar.

When we are too caught in the trap of routine, when maturity takes over, it is then that we go back. When there is nowhere left to go. Three swings sway in the wind. Three swings share their joy. Three swings who give our childhood another chance.


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