broken doll | Teen Ink

broken doll

April 16, 2011
By becks SILVER, ABQ, New Mexico
becks SILVER, ABQ, New Mexico
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"insanity is endlessly repeating the same process hoping for a different result -Albert Einstein"

my little doll is the cutest thing in the world but sadly she has had a long life here doll mom and doll dad left her alone for a lot of her life because of the baby doll and then when they started to pay attention and pointed out my little dolls imperfections and the poor little doll felt so alone that her little doll heart started to little doll tried to help to be a good little doll but she just couldn't win her doll dad always left her feeling empty after he had yelled at her and her doll mom had started doing the same. but my little doll worked hard trying to keep her little heart together and was always trying to fix it. but it kept cracking then when my little doll was feeling particularly down that she finally left the little doll house that she was living in and i found her sitting on the street and all i could think was what a sweet little doll. even though she was broken she was still my little doll.

The author's comments:
the little doll my little doll is the inner me.


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