Where The Water Breaks | Teen Ink

Where The Water Breaks

July 20, 2011
By Vareesha12 ELITE, Troy, Michigan
Vareesha12 ELITE, Troy, Michigan
130 articles 0 photos 9 comments

The strange creature came forward, tentatively. Her bare feet sinking into the warm sand. She was blurred and distorted by the waterlight. Curious, he thought, looking up. The angle she stood was one that hinted of practice, every nerve was made to run. It was almost as if she was afraid to live. Poised to be hidden, unknown, she spoke. Yet her words did not reflect her meaning. And so the dweller was unsure. What a world, he thought, dazed, that everything is not as it seems. The land folk must live in a harsh disreality. He broke the surface, hoping to catch a real glimpse of this confusing visitor. Yet, a heartbeat before he was able to see, she was already gone. Fleeing reality.

The author's comments:
When a girl who runs from everything, meets the one thing that would she would stay for. Faced with confrontation of how she feels, she flees.


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