Sound f(x) | Teen Ink

Sound f(x)

September 29, 2011
By Annalise0800 SILVER, Junction City, Kansas
Annalise0800 SILVER, Junction City, Kansas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You're born an original, don't die a copy.........

Sound f(x) is the new HOT band! Sound f(x) has 4 girl members and they are the leader and vocalist Mica, the best dancer of the group is Jessica, and the backup vocals are Tiffani and Emma. Each member has one thing there especially well at and with all the different talents in the group when you bring them together they have no weaknesses. Sound f(x)'s genre of music is techno R&B J-pop. Having a genre of music being techno R&B J-Pop the group has to have a lot of different sounds that all sound good together, so when they perform they play the keyboard or drums. You'll always know when Sound f(x) is performing because they'll be the people you can hear two blocks down.

"When people become celebrities all their imperfections are brought into the open and talked about, I just hope those little comments won't hurt Sound f(x) because they are the closest thing to perfect that I've seen in a while" -Rihanna. But of course with Sound f(x) being new to the music industry they didn't want to be talked about, so all the members decided to get plastic surgery to try and fix their imperfections. But during the surgery something went wrong and now Mica can't smile, Emma can't hear out of her right ear, and Tiffani and Jessica can't hold anything with a tight grip.

"We're not the past; we are the present and the future!"-Sound f(x). Now Sound f(x) is working on their new album called Future they hope to one day have all their concert seats filled with the new songs. They will soon be going on their world wide tour so if you hear loud music coming from somewhere at one in the morning don't call the police because it's just Sound f(x) gaining more popularity.

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