The End | Teen Ink

The End

January 25, 2012
By queennels17 PLATINUM, Wellington, Florida
queennels17 PLATINUM, Wellington, Florida
21 articles 8 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
The sun is out but it's still dark outside.

When you run from your dreams
There is no turning back
Its game over

When you cut the barriers your body is born with
You will be forever scarred

When you simply give up on what you want
That wanting comes back and bites you until you burst

When you reach to your breaking point
There is no calming down
You are now an animal set free
With the urge to kill

When you want to survive in a life like so
You have to be willing to give up anything
You have to be willing to be anything
You have to eat glass
It's possible, but it hurts like hell
With every bite and every swallow you take

The author's comments:
This poem is about the sacrifices we have to make when it comes to life itself.


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