slim says stand up | Teen Ink

slim says stand up

February 25, 2012
By SlimShadi BRONZE, Crestline, Ohio
SlimShadi BRONZE, Crestline, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
About three thing I was positive;<br /> First, Edward was a vampire.<br /> Second, there was a part of him-and I didn&#039;t know how dominant that part might be- that thirsted for my blood.<br /> And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.<br /> &lt;3Bella&lt;3

Lots of you may not know me. I'm the kid that gets picked on. I'm the kid that's more of an outsider than the rest. Some call me weird and think I'm okay, while others, well they can be picky who they're friends with. Unfortunately, most of you can be bullies, others bullied, and some, both. You guys look at it as either your a nobody, a geek, awkward, normal, shy, popular, or a guy. Well, it's tI'me to put those 'Groups' to an end. Let's put our differences aside. So what if your the kid who dated some one out of your league, or the one who hates ice cream, or even the one that has never talked to ANYONE before. We're all human. It's tI'me to stop treating others like Hyenas. And if we are hyenas, your not a butterfly. You can't look at yourself as better than someone else. You may act and look different, but we are the exact same people we were when we were little and all got along. Bring back those memories and forget who your acting like. This is not your fantasy world, it's reality. So, if you see a geek, a shy person, whatever you call the odd one, invite them over, make peace, teach them not to be scared. And if you're the odd one, make a difference. Show them you're not afraid to be you. Everyone, don't be scared of others and don't try to scare others, no matter what, it's just going to make you feel worse. And most I'mportantly, be yourself. You'll see a big difference in your life. I know I have.

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