wild west | Teen Ink

wild west

May 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Joe Kamble

Wanted on several counts of murder, robbery and

trespassing. To be brought back dead or alive.

REWARD: $5000.

Western Bandit
Bull’s Eye E. Road was looking at the poster of Joe Kamble… 5000 dollars was a lot of money.
“Hey. You looken’ for some work?” said a big muscular man from behind. “My name is Mike Landbor. I’m the sheriff in town and this is Paul my son.

“Nice to meet you, By the way have you heard any thing about the whereabouts of this guy” Road said pointing to the poster.

“Yeah I heard he was camping out near Gold Town you go about five miles north till you get to that river up yonder. Then you go about six miles west and then your there”.

“Thanks”. Road got on his horse, Jumper, and headed off tords the river. After awhile Road got to the river and decided to take a break. Then he headed off to Gold Town. About a mile away from the town Road spotted a camp site surrounded by trees, but no one was there. Road trotted up to the site.

“Wham” Joe had jumped out of a nearby tree and knocked Road off Jumper and onto the ground and rode off. Road blacked out.

“Hey are you ok”

Road looked up and was staring into the face of Paul. “I’m fine. “What do you want?”

“Well Mike told me to give you a letter and said you would be around Gold Town.”

“Can I see it.”

“Sure.” Paul reached into his bag and pulled out a letter. “Here you go.”

Road read

Dear, Bull’s Eye

Hoping you get this, I’ve recently found out that Joe Kamble is on the run going across the desert, heading towards Smithington. I want my son Paul to accompany you if it is alright he needs the experience, But only if it is okay with you.

Best of luck X: Mike Landbor
Road finished reading and said “Well I guess your coming along with me”.


“Well we better start walking.”

“What happened to your horse?”

“Let’s gust say I’m goanna to get him back.” Road and Paul then started walking without saying much till they got to the desert.

“Well it’s still bright out so I guess he’s rest n’ right now and will start moving at sun set.”

“So we might get him today.”

“That’s what I’m hopping for.”
Road and Paul started walking again until the saw a camp.

“Paul you stay here and I’ll go check it out.”

Road went ahead until he spotted Joe on Jumper, and to Road’s dismay Joe spotted him.

After the fight Road tied a rope around Joe and attached the other end to jumper then he got on his horse and dragged Joe back to where Paul was then after Paul got on they went back to Gold Town.

When then arrived at Gold Town it was too late to back to Townburg, so Road gave Paul some money and told him to check in to two rooms at the closest hotel. Once Paul left, Road went to the sheriff’s department to collect his reward. Then he went to the post office and wrote this letter.

Dear, Mike

I’ve completed my job and your son is in one piece. I’ll arrive in town tomorrow.
Sincerely: X: Bull's Eye

In the morning Joe and Paul went back to Townsburg. When they got there Paul’s mom came sobbing.

“Why are you crying mom.”

“Its your father, he died last night of small pox.”

“What, he was fine yesterday.”

“Well his gone, by the way Bull’s eye, the sheriff job is yours if you want it.”





After fleeing Bull’s Eye E. Road and Paul Landbor tracked Joe Kamble down and laid him to rest. Peggy Kamble, Joe’s mother, has clamed the body, and the funeral is to take place tomorrow morn’ at the local cemetery.

Road on the other hand has accepted the job and is now Townsburg’s new sheriff, after are old one unfortunately died of small pox, his funeral will also take place tomorrow.

“Mrs. Landbor your husband has left you and your son all of his possessions.”
This is the last Will and Testament of Mike Landbor residing at Townsburg. In the County of Cheshire I give and bequeath unto my wife and son all my Belongings for there own use and benefit absolutely and I appoint Bill Ear A. Root as Executor of this my Will.

“Thank you Mr. Root, Paul and I now have to go to the funeral.”

“God bless.”

It was late evening and Mike’s casket was being lowered into his grave above it was his tombstone.

R. I. P.
Mike Landbor
Small POX
October 2,1882

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