Destructive Path | Teen Ink

Destructive Path

July 22, 2012
By Annalise0800 SILVER, Junction City, Kansas
Annalise0800 SILVER, Junction City, Kansas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You're born an original, don't die a copy.........

Matt had just gotten done robbing another store in downtown Michigan. He was now at his apartment watching himself on the news. It said that he was a known notorious thief that still wasn’t caught yet. Matt abruptly turned the TV off then, he had been doing this for years but that was the first time he was called notorious. Sure he’d go and rob some high-end stores every Monday and sometimes Friday, to switch things up and then he’d go home and watch the news to see what kind of story they’d be telling about him, but he didn’t think he was at the notorious level yet. While Matt was thinking that, his friend Adam walked in, Adam saw Matt in the recliner with the remote in his hand and he already knew what Matt had done and was currently doing.
Adam always told Matt that one day he would get caught, that he needed to stop this while he was still ahead, and that it was dangerous but Matt never listened. It was like he had this thing inside of him forcing him to steal he’d do it every Monday and sometimes Friday at 5:00 on the dot. Matt never noticed that he started at the same time every time he stole and neither did the police, but it wouldn’t take very long for them to figure it out and once they did Matt would be in trouble.
Matt saw Adam walk in but he ignored him. Matt didn’t really like him too much because he was always in his business and telling him to stop stealing. Adam just didn’t understand, he had a family that cared about him and was with him while he was growing up. The only attention Matt ever got was when he did something bad, so why not go and steal stuff, that was the only attention he ever got from his family, since his dad was a cop and his mom a news reporter. Adam thought he was so smart he thought that Matt didn’t know that his stealing habits were predictable, or that he stole things at 5 on the dot. Adam didn’t know that Matt had been arrested 3 or 4 times already and was released and just started the same thing over and over again. Adam didn’t know that there had been a Derek in Kentucky that said the exact same things he did. Adam didn’t know Matt’s story so he needed to stay out of it.

Adam looked up at the time and saw that it was 4:55 and that Matt was getting ready. He didn’t even bother trying to stop him anymore. That was Matt’s path and no matter how destructive it was Adam was going to let him take it.

The author's comments:
My inspiration for this story was the story "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty. I thought about the character Phoenix's path and made a character that was on a path to his undoing.

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