Fisherwoman | Teen Ink


September 7, 2012
By Mary Ellis BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
Mary Ellis BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The waves crashed and rolled onto the shore as the saddened widow fished for hope. The waves were like her mind, thrashing and wild,, confused about where to go next. As she stood there, her wedding gown flowed and rippled in the breeze. The slimy wet sand grabbed the hem of her dress and wouldn’t let go. The girl’s face is saddened by the memories of this dress. It was a great and joyous day just three years ago. Her jumbled mind jumps back to when her husband was still there. Her mind swings from memory to memory of the love that she lost one short week ago. She lost her love, her hope, her dreams, and she lost herself. Her face shows not only sadness but anger, deep passionate anger. Anger towards herself, God, and the world. How could this happen? Everything she had is gone-washed away like the waves of the ocean. She had to put on her gown and come back to this sacred place where all the magic started. They met here, had their first kiss here, and exchanged vows here. All those days the sun was laughing through the clouds and the ocean was rolling peacefully across the shore. But today the sun doesn’t dare smile through the clouds and the ocean roars up on the shore. The beautiful saddened girl came back to where it all started. She’ll throw back her arm and cast the line way far out and go fishing. She’ll fish for love, hope, dreams, and most importantly she’ll fish to find herself.

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