Apologetic Eyes | Teen Ink

Apologetic Eyes

December 10, 2012
By CieraGillenH2O BRONZE, Powhatan, Virginia
CieraGillenH2O BRONZE, Powhatan, Virginia
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

She lay on her bed, apologetically staring at the ceiling waiting for her conscious to kick in and remind her of her mistake to be made, but instead the hunger and desire for what she so craved only grew stronger. She knew better than to fight the strong feeling inside her, for it was a battle she could never win. With that she sat up stumbled off the bed into the room next to hers. Gradually she lurked in and laid into the tub and the showerhead poured the water onto her. She laid in her clothes still sopping wet from the water beating down on her. Self-consciously trying to clean her soul as she picked up her blade and teasingly sat it upon her forearm. For tonight she would taste her scarlet drug once again. A taste she had so missed. For tonight she would dig the blade deeper than ever, aiming for bone. Tonight was the night; tonight would be her last and best encounter with the knife she held. Tonight the blade would win. She lay in her tub full of water and blood, the showerhead beating over her cold stone face. Although lifeless her eyes seemed to stare apologetically to the ceiling.

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