Banshee | Teen Ink


December 16, 2012
By Anonymous

“The problem is you, my dear.”
They drive through the country in that old f*ing pick-up truck, ignoring my shouting. I can hear inside it, their stupid little conversation about my death. Even in life I’d been above them, but dead? So much more. But yeah. In life, they’d hired an assassin because they were so afraid of me. The assassin came, did his work, and they were able to pass it off as a suicide. I’d have looked better with a rope around my next, but my handsome, stunning face had to be on the receiving end of a bullet. It’d gone well – until the police had figured out about the whole deal somehow, and gone after them. I scream again.
“Me? I didn’t leak any information, you b****!”
It’s kind of funny. This form I’m in now – of a Banshee, is a woman. I was a man when I was alive. Those idiots cut me down like this, and while I can’t say I blame them, I can’t say I’m not angry at them. Which brings me to where I am at this moment, trying to get their attention so they can hear my omen. Maybe I know who’s going to die – maybe I don’t. Why should I tell you, I never tell people things. Heh.
“Why would I leak any information? Look, we’re being silly. You should just admit you’re wrong.”
I wish for a cigarette as I watch the car. Normally my voice would hurt from all this screaming, but today? No pain. There’s a mountain in the distance – their escape route, no doubt. Once they cross it they’ll be out of the country, and farther away from the authorities. I gave them that pick-up truck they’re driving. I found it, fixed it up, painted it, and gave it to them, no charge. Did they ever thank me? No. I look down at my watch, and smile. Finally, the waiting will be over.
“Maybe we’re both wrong! Maybe he faked it or some s***, then went to the police.”
I laugh at this. Why wouldn’t I? Nope, there was definitely a cadaver where I’d been. I checked. It’d taken effort to get in this state, but hey. It was all worth it, just to see this. I’m shaking with excitement, which I hate – I don’t show emotion. I never did, why would I do it now? Maybe it’s just the event – it is something worth showing feelings for. And nobody’s here to see me, anyway. Who can see a banshee? I run up the hill to follow the car, anticipating what’ll happen next. Just stay with me – I promise it’ll be good.
“I don’t know… perhaps it is best to just not form an opinion until we are out of this situation.”
Oh, you’re not getting out of this situation. I have enough view of the mountain, my setting, to sit down and rest. I’ve exhausted my vocal chords enough, they received the omen. I’ve waited my whole life for this – might as well get comfortable. Living with the bastards I called brother and sister was actually Hell. I don’t use that lightly – I don’t think the Devil could come up with a worse torture than that. You don’t need to know what they did or why they need to die for it. I wouldn’t tell you if you did.
“Thank you, Dmitri.”
There’s a peace between them as the gear shifts and they start the climb. Less than a minute is left. I didn’t want them to die like this! There has to be strife between them! I try to think of something I can do in 30 seconds – but nothing comes to mind. Damn. That always happens at the worst times. Well, at least this is happening. I satisfy myself with that thought, smiling. Things like this don’t happen every day – it doesn’t matter if they’re happy or not, they won’t be for long. They’ll be in Hell, where they belong.
“S*** s*** s***, why can’t I turn?”
Try the brakes, I think. I wait for Sasha’s answer, leaning back against a small tree. Once she answers, it’ll be over. Thank God.
“Well – brake!”

The author's comments:
I dunno... it's not very good, but I wanted to practice writing. Everything came together after the first line, I guess. I was going for something weird, but it turned into this. Constructive criticism is always welcome!

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