Sunflower field | Teen Ink

Sunflower field

December 17, 2012
By alexandriaxoxo BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
alexandriaxoxo BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sweet aroma fills the autumn air. As the beading rays from the sun touch against my face, warmth; touching my cheeks. My sky blue eyes gaze out across the field. This place has a magic spark to it. The magic comes from the life of the sun flowers. Magic explodes to the sky in the sun flower field.

As I lay on my cozy blanket, the color golden like a queen’s crown with my name engraved on the top right corner. It’s the not the most perfect blanket, rips and holes scattered all around. The wind whistles like a luscious melody. Sun flowers dance to the song of life. As I sit in the silence. I watch the clouds travel as they produce familiar shapes. I spy a bunny hopping into the field trying to take cover. Bees hum as they collect honey from the flowers. As I watch the Butterflies sway to the music of life a grin approaches my face.

I get a burst of energy, my body flowing with excitement. Joy is spewing out my ears like a volcano. I gracefully leap from the ground and I start down the hill. I was flying to the sky. I had the most amazing idea ever. I was ready to fly like a bird, ready to be free. I was for once in my life away from people and drama and all the sadness. I was happy and I felt amazing. As I spun around I felt my long luscious golden brown locks follow my body as I led. My red summer dress flowing in the wind goose bumps run down my spine. I dance in the sun flower field, spinning and twirling. My heart racing, skipping beats, blood pumping, flowing through my veins, I’m ready to take an adventure threw the sunflower field.

Dashing threw the giant flowers makes me feel like a bird soaring high crashing through the clouds. Left, right, left again, trapped in a sunflower maze. Giggles creep into my throat and slide out threw my mouth. I didn’t notice how blessed I was until this moment. Time fly’s when you enjoy yourself, so take time to smell the roses. As twilight crept into the atmosphere, the stars appeared and lit the sky with the crescent moon smiling like a clown. My smile left from the warmth of the sun still hasn’t left my face. As silence falls, I stand still waiting for a sound. I hear nothing but the bird saying goodnight. Out of breath I lay down on the moist dirt. I shut my eyes and try to imagine the most beautiful place on earth. When I open my eyes, I come to the conclusion… I’m already here.

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