Welcome to the Art Fair | Teen Ink

Welcome to the Art Fair

January 17, 2013
By killbree BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
killbree BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In life, many times, the right answer is that there isn't one.

The sun kisses your skin as the $3 frozen lemonade soothes your thirst. There’s a hint of cinnamon in the air mixed with dogs and sweaty senior citizens. With no sense of direction or destination you stroll down State Street waiting for an extravagant piece of work to stick out at you. In the near distance you see a tall, slender figure with the face of a werewolf. A violin is placed to his neck in playing position as he howls whenever money is placed in his blue tip bucket. You smile. As soon as the corners of your lips curl you hear your name being called in a familiar voice. You turn around to see your nephew running towards you with a wide smile showing his six teeth, moving his little legs as fast as he can, which isn’t fast at all. The half-finished lemonade hits the ground as you open your arms to embrace a two year old ball of joy you haven’t seen in months. At that moment the world stands still and any problems that bothered you were immediately erased. Butterflies fill your stomach at the sight of the rest of your family. Over your left shoulder you see a tent with pictures of star constellations and planets. You move towards it with five tiny fingers wrapped around your index finger and while he gasps your pupils grow large at the beautiful telescope photographs of stars and moons you have longed to see for so long. Lost in space, you’re brought back to reality by the lack of toddler noises. You realize you haven’t seen your family in the last 20 minutes and the kid who was just holding your finger is gone. You jerk around and see your family in the distance minus your nephew. The sky suddenly darkens as your heart turns to knots and drops to the bottom of your stomach. They’re coming towards you but you see the kid nowhere in sight. Your tears mix with rain drops at the realization that he’s gone. In your head you can’t figure out how long he’s been gone or which way to run but it doesn’t matter because you find that your legs won’t move anyway. There’s a roll of thunder. A familiar cry above the bustle of rain hitting the ground. You look down to see a faint red liquid moving toward the sewage drain mixed in the puddles. Everything goes black in the middle of State Street.

The author's comments:
This piece was a result of a writing course assignment. It's based on the annual Art Fair that takes place in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

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