The Courageous Club: Episode 1: The Revenge Man | Teen Ink

The Courageous Club: Episode 1: The Revenge Man

January 27, 2013
By Matt2 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Matt2 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
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The Revenge Man

On the first day the club met, Ace wanted to explain some rules on how things would be operated. “Is everyone here?” asked Ace.

“We are missing Jeff,” said Joe.

“Oh well, he should show up eventually so I’ll just start now. In order to be a crime fighting club, we have to know when and where a crime is happening. So there is going to be a patrol sent to Main Street and Broadway; we’ll call it city patrol. Their job is to walk around town and make sure everything is okay. And if there is a crime, they run back here to tell us about it so we can act.”

“Sounds exciting,” said Alec.

“It will be, and the second patrol will be in the woods. We never know what or who we could find back there. There will be two people in a patrol and we will all take turns, any questions?”

“Do you really think we can find something in the woods?” asked Joe.

“You never know, Joe. It could be fun just to explore out there. Those who aren’t on patrol can stay here, throw around a baseball and talk or just relax in the hay. Oh, and I want everyone to listen to news reports or watch television news. Did anyone happen to see the news report this morning?” asked Ace.

Jeff walked in and interrupted saying, “Sorry I’m late. Some kids in my neighborhood asked me where I was going.”

“What did you tell them?” asked Bert.

“I told them about the club and they said they wanted to join. They are right outside.”

“Bring them in, Jeff,” said Ace.

“Hey, Ace do we have some sort of test for the new members to pass if they want to join?” asked Bert.

“No, but I’ll make one up,” replied Ace.

Jeff brought in one boy and then another; to the club’s astonishment the two boys looked exactly the same. “Twins?” questioned Joe.

“Identical,” added Anthony.

“This is Matt ‘n Ed, everyone. They live on my street,” introduced Jeff.

“Welcome, Matt ‘n Ed, which one is which?” asked Ace.

“I’m Matt, the taller one,” said one of them.

“Just barely,” reminded Ed.

“Well, twins this is the Courageous Club. It was just born a few days ago so I was just laying out some of the rules. We fight crime and have fun while doing it; so let me ask you two, do you have the courage to face crime and spit in its eye?” asked Ace looking them in the eye.

“You bet,” they said in unison.

Ace looked back at the club, “that’s good enough for me. Add their names to the list, Anthony.” Ace then swore in the new members. “Okay, you two can get acquainted with everyone later. But as I was saying before, on the news this morning did anyone see what happened to the car dealership?”

“Yeah, didn’t someone let all the air out of the tires of all the cars?” asked Felix.

“That’s right, I guess you could call it vandalism but someone had to have a motive to do this. Why would someone let all the air out of all the tires in all the cars? I’m going on city patrol to find out. Anyone want to come with me?”

“I do,” said Bert.

“Me too,” said Felix.

“And me,” said Anthony.

“Well only two of us can go. Anthony, you helped out last time but you can go on forest patrol. Bert, I’ll put you in charge of filling in Jeff and the twins on the rules. Felix, let’s go,” said Ace.

“Pick someone to go on forest patrol with you, Anthony.”

“I’ll do it,” said Alec.

“Okay,” said Anthony, “let’s explore.” The four boys left and after Bert filled in Jeff and the twins, they all played catch with Joe’s baseball.

Ace and Felix walked to the dealership hoping to find it open, and it was. Ace guessed about thirty cars were in their vast lot. “Mitchell’s Motors,” read Felix, “I’ve never noticed this place.”

“Me either, I think most people go to the Duncan Dealership,” replied Ace looking at the lifeless parking lot.

“Look,” said Felix. Two heavyset men were pumping air into the tires of cars with a bicycle pump. “That looks like slow work.”

“You go talk to those mechanics and see what they know about the tires. I’ll go inside and talk to someone,” said Ace.

“Okay,” said Felix walking to the men. “Hi, looks like slow work you’re doing there,” he said amicably.

The men paused and looked at the boy. “Yeah,” said the bald man, “but we’ve been doing it all morning and are just about finished.”

“It’s easier work than fixing engines at least, but just as tiring,” commented the other.

“Do you guys know how these cars got this way?” asked Felix.

“Nope, we just got the call from a disgruntled car dealer named Mitchell and came over. Not much of a practical joke,” said the bald one.

“Did you come here to buy a car?” asked the other.

“No, I saw the story on the news and was curious about it,” replied Felix.

“Well we don’t know anything but you can go inside and ask.”

“I think I will, thanks.” Felix then walked inside the dealership to where the offices were.

Ace was talking to a man in a suit smoking a pipe. “Look, kid…”

“Allen,” interrupted Ace.

The man looked at Ace tiredly and said, “Look, Allen,” stressing his name, “I’ve already called the police and gave them the same story. I came here early this morning and all the tires were flat.”

“What did the police say about it?”

“Why they…” The man stopped himself, “why am I talking to a kid about this!?” the man exclaimed talking to himself.

“Allen,” corrected Ace.

“Say, why are you so interested? An annoying kid like you seems just the type to pull a stunt like this. You and your accomplice back there,” he said referring to Felix who stopped at the door.

Ace turned around, “Oh, hey Felix. Did you find out anything?”

“Nope, those two are as oblivious to what happened as this man is to the damage that pipe is doing to his lungs,” said Felix.

“First all my tires are flat and now I’m being harangued by kids!”

“Please, Mr. Mitchell, we only want to help solve this crime.”

“I need my coffee,” said Mr. Mitchell rushing off to a room and slamming the door.

“Nice man, a bit angry but nice,” said Ace.

“Now what?”

“Now we go talk to that guy,” said Ace pointing to a man talking on the phone in his office. Ace went over and knocked on the glass walls of the office saying, “Excuse me, sir.”

The man stopped his conversation and glanced at the boys. “I’ll have to call you back,” he said into the phone, “goodbye.”

“I’m not allowed by law to sell you boys a car as much as we need the money,” he said.

“Oh, you’re a car salesman,” said Felix.

“That’s right.”

“Can you tell us anything about the flat tires?”

“Not a thing, all I know is that Mr. Mitchell is steamed.”

A thin man then entered from outside wearing a wrinkled T-shirt too large for him and some blue jeans. “Is Mr. Mitchell around, Frank?” The stranger had a rather high pitched voice.

“No,” replied the salesman, “he’s in his office.”

“Good, I don’t want to see him ever again.”

“I believe the feeling is mutual. The rest of your stuff is right there on your old desk. You sure do look tired, Herb, are you feeling alright?”

“Just a cold I suspect,” he replied. The thin man took out a tissue and blew his large nose. He then grabbed his stuff on his old desk. “Maybe I’ll see you around town, Frank,” said the frail man leaving.

“Okay then,” called Frank. “Poor man,” said Frank once Herb left, “Wrinkled clothes, tired, and sick. I hope his ailing doesn’t prevent him from eating; I’ve told that chicken bone a thousand times to eat more. Mr. Mitchell fired him a few days ago.”

“What did he do? Blow his big nose too hard and scare the customers away?” asked Felix. Ace smiled.

“I would have laughed at that a few days ago,” said Frank. “No, on top of not selling a car for three months now, he scared off a sure buyer during the Fourth of July sale by talking to her about all his problems in life. When Mr. Mitchell found out Mrs. Summers, the lady Herb scared off, went to that Duncan dealership instead, he was furious and fired Herb. It won’t be the same around here without Herbert Crawly.”

“Let’s go look for clues in the parking lot, Ace.”

“Good idea, thanks a lot, Mr. Frank,” said Ace. “

I’ll go out there too; I think that man wants to buy a car,” he said heading outside eagerly.

Ace and Felix were soon outside as well looking around the lot. “What do you think, Ace? Who did this?”

“Think about it, Felix. It was someone who doesn’t like Mr. Mitchell...”

“I’m sure that narrows it down,” joked Felix.

“And,” said Ace, “someone who has a motive. The answer is Herb Crawly.”

“Yeah, but we need proof and that’s not going to be easy. This parking lot is spotless. I say we go back to the clubhouse and think about it.”

“Thank you, Mr. Ratini, that’s was the easiest car I ever sold. I’ll just go inside for a moment and draw up the papers,” said Frank.

“Take your time, I’m in no rush,” replied Mr. Ratini.

Ace was leaning against a car thinking, “don’t you see, Felix? That’s why he was so tired. No one pulls a crime like this all night and wakes up fresh.”

Mr. Ratini perked up at the mention of crime and began eavesdropping.

“Maybe the cops have a file on Herbert Crawly,” said Felix.

“I doubt it; he doesn’t seem the type to have a file on him. But I’m convinced he pulled the job last night and he did it alone.”

“You must admit though, that’s a clever way of getting revenge,” said Felix.

“Yeah, okay let’s go think up a way to prove it.” The boys then left the lot.

“Interesting,” said Mr. Ratini.

“All ready, sir, if you would just sign here,” said Frank.

“Yes of course. Tell me, was there a crime committed here?”

“Yes, a vandal came in and let the air out of all the tires in the lot. It took two men all morning to pump them up again.”

Mr. Ratini smiled as he signed his named. “I always pay in cash,” said Mr. Ratini in his Italian accent.

“Thank you, sir,” said Frank, “accurate to the dollar. Have a nice day.”

“I shall,” replied Mr. Ratini smiling, “I shall.”

Later in a secret bar under the Ratini’s restaurant, A Taste of Italy

“Did you pick up the Oldsmobile, Tyrone?”

“Yea, I parked her in the lot next to the hearse. I only spent two-thousand five hundred, here’s the other five hundred.”

“Hey! How about another round, Roy?”

“You’ve had enough, Dmitri,” answered Roy the bartender.

“He’s right, brother take it easy on the sauce, ay.”

“Where do you get off telling me what to do, Sergio?”

“I’m the oldest of us three Ratini brothers and therefore am in charge.”

“I’ve got something important to tell you, Sergio,” said Tyrone.

“It can wait for what I got to say. You guys all know that Malone and his boys got caught pulling the job back on the fourth. No one knew about it except us and Marino and his boys. I ‘aint saying they’re rats but I haven’t liked Marino ever since he came to town. So we’re going to lay low for a while. Whoever ratted Malone out can easily do the same with us. Now what is it, Tyrone?”

“Well, you know how you’ve wanted revenge on the Moretti brothers who own that Pizzeria? They’ve been taking our business for too long now. But we haven’t been able to devise a plan worthy of their type.”

“I’ll tell you both the best revenge,” said Dmitri pulling out his pistol.

“No killing, the heat is on right now. What about it, Tyrone?” asked Sergio.

“I know a man who can concoct a great idea on revenge.”

“What an outsider?”

“That’s right, his name is Herbert Crawly; I overheard a conversation about him at the dealership. He was fired from his job there and to get revenge, he let the air out of all the tires in the lot. And he got away with it.”

“Hmmm. Interesting, it isn’t bad enough to get the fuzz too aroused and yet it was indeed revenge. And our restaurant needs those customers before we go out of business. Contact him and offer him money for contriving a plan of revenge against the Moretti brothers. And he only gets paid if it is successful.”

“No problem,” said Tyrone fetching the phonebook.

All the boys returned to the club to hear Ace and Felix’s report. “I know you all are eager to hear what we found out at the dealership,” said Ace, “but the fact is we have no proof of who did it. We do however have a prime suspect.”

“What good is that without any proof?” asked Joe.

“None at all, so all we can do is watch the news and keep thinking. Maybe something will turn up. I see Alec brought his baseball bat and I can think of nothing better to do right now. Everyone go get your mitts and meet back here,” said Ace.

The boys dispersed eager to play their favorite game. “We’re just going to let it go that easy? Let him get away with it?” asked Felix.

“Patience, Felix, let him make the mistake.”

“Crawly doesn’t seem like the type to make mistakes,” argued Felix.

“He’s tired, stressed with no job, and angry. I can think of no better circumstances in which a man would err, again.”

Tyrone dialed the number under Herbert Crawly’s name. On the first ring, a childish and somewhat aberrant voice answered saying, “Hello?”

“Am I speaking to Mr. Herbert Crawly?”

“Who wants to know?” Tyrone paused before replying, “Tyrone Ratini. I understand you pulled the dealership job last night.”

Now Herb paused, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“That was real clever. And don’t worry, I ‘aint a copper. But I like your style and have another job for you.”

Sergio was nodding as he listened.

“Another job? What do you think I am some sort of criminal?”

“You have no job, sir, and no income. We are willing to pay cash, fifty dollars for a brilliant idea of revenge.”

Mr. Crawly seemed interested now, “Who did you have in mind?”

Tyrone smiled, “Moretti’s Pizzeria, off the corner of Main and Elm Street.”

Laughter arose from the opposite end, “that is too easy, Mr. Ratini, if that is your real name.”

“I don’t lie, Crawly, and don’t get smart. You got an idea?”

“Yeah, I might, is there someplace we can meet?” Crawly’s impish voice sounded nervous almost.

“Be at the newspaper stand in front of the Diner on Main Street in half an hour. We will meet you there. Goodbye.”

“I hope this isn’t a waste of our time, brother,” said Sergio.

“Don’t worry, like you said, we got to lay low for a while. And letting someone else do our work for us is pretty low.”

One half hour later, Mr. Crawly was waiting at the designated meeting point and standing around nervously not quite knowing what to expect. “Excuse me, sir.”


“Can I get a newspaper? You’re standing in the way,” said the stranger.

“Yes, of course,” said Herb moving and wiping some sweat from his brow.

A few moments later, a black Oldsmobile pulled up with tainted windows. The door opened and Tyrone said, “Crawly? Get in!”

Herb hesitated at first but soon entered the car. The car sped from the curb.

“This is him? Sheez, Tyrone, you didn’t tell me he was a shrimp,” said Sergio.

“Yeah, my x-wife is bigger than him,” said Dmitri.

“Which one?” asked Tyrone.

Herbert adjusted his glasses and said, “I recognize this car. You just bought it didn’t you? I was trying to sell this for months. How’s that for timing?”

“Let’s talk business, Crawly, what do you have in mind for the Pizzeria?” asked Tyrone.

“Yeah, and nothing too illicit, we don’t need any more cops on our back,” added Sergio.

“What do you guys have against this pizzeria anyways?”

“They have been taking our business from us for nearly six months now. They are competitors who need to be gotten rid of, now talk!”

“First of all, where is the money?” asked Herb.

“Ah, let me snap this guy; he is of no use to us,” said Dmitri.

“You’ll get twenty-five if the plan is good and twenty-five when it’s successful. Now talk!”

“Alright, alright, it’s a pizzeria right? All we have to do is release a few rats or other pests in the restaurant, preferably in the kitchen. All the customers run out screaming and never come back. The health department is bound to hear of it and shut down the pizzeria, simple.”

Sergio smiled and laughed, “That would be the perfect revenge.”

“Yes, get rid of rats with rats, eh?!”

“There is an old and dilapidated motel I know of which is teeming with rats and cockroaches. I can trap a few with food and bring them to the Pizzeria tonight, hidden of course. And release them!”

Mr. Crawly seemed very excited and was suddenly disinterested in the money. “It’ll not only be revenge for you crooks but also hilarious for me to watch.” Herbert began laughing deliriously picturing the sight.

“Perhaps we should make a stop at the mental institution,” whispered Dmitri.

“I like him,” commented Sergio, “he takes revenge not by his strength but by his clever mind. A trait we would do well to learn. Pay him the twenty-five.”

“I’m glad you will enjoy your work. Can you do it tonight?”

After counting the money he replied, “Yes, drop me off at the motel 6 near Maple Street and leave the rest to me.”

Dmitri told Roy the directions. Once they arrived, Sergio said, “And, Crawly, I’ll see what I can do about getting more business for you.”

“I would welcome it, haha!”

The Following morning at the Club

“I sure hope we play baseball again,” said Ed.

“I brought my football today, fellas,” said Bert holding it up.

“That sounds like a lot of fun and we’ll get to those things,” said Ace.

“I was watching the news last night, Ace and didn’t see any big crimes,” said Alec.

“Me either,” added Joe.

“Didn’t anyone read the newspaper this morning?”

No one answered. “There was an article about Moretti’s Pizzeria. Rats and roaches were all over the place in that restaurant last night and drove everyone out of the place.”


“So doesn’t anyone think it’s strange for a restaurant to all of a sudden be infested with those critters?”

“Kinda like it’s strange for all the air to be let out of those tires,” said Felix.

“Right! It’s the same story as I see it. But it’s not a big enough crime to grab too much attention.”

“Crime?” asked Anthony.

“That’s right, someone planted those critters and that person is the same one who devised the dealership plot, Herbert Crawly. The only question is why,” said Ace, “I was up all night and couldn’t think of a reason.”

“That’s an important question to answer,” commented Matt.

“He was just fired right? Maybe the pizzeria turned down his job offer,” guessed Felix.

“I don’t think there’s enough evidence or proof to pin it on this guy,” asserted Joe.

“Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through just to get even with a job disappointment. Maybe someone wanted to get rid of this pizzeria.”

“Like a business competitor?”

“Yes but Crawly is no business competitor,” said Anthony.

“Maybe someone hired him,” surmised Bert. The idea took hold in Ace’s mind.

“That’s ridiculous,” said Joe.

“Hold on, Joe. You may have something there, Bert. Maybe Crawly went into the revenge business. He has the mind for it.”

“And someone hired him to plant those pests in the restaurant!” said Felix.

“Okay everyone, now we just have to think of a way to catch him.”

“This is far-fetched,” commented Joe under his breath, “football anyone?” For the time being, they all ignored Joe and kept thinking.

“Maybe later, Joe,” said Jeff.

“Haha! Did you read this, brothers? I don’t think we will have to worry about the Moretti brothers anymore,” said Dmitri.

“Roy, get up in the kitchen, Duncan needs you.”

“Yes, sir,” obeyed Roy.

“I read it this morning, we already have more customers up there,” said Sergio smiling.

“Crawly earned his money,” said Tyrone.

“And thanks to you for bringing him to us, Tyrone,” said Sergio picking up the phone.

“Who are you calling?”

“Marino and his gang, I told Crawly I would try and get him more business didn’t I?”

“Mr. Marino, Sergio Ratini is calling for you.”

“What does that rat want?” asked Marino taking the phone, “Hello, Sergio, what do you want? You better not have caused any trouble.”

“No trouble at all, I’m calling as a favor.”

“Ha! I read the newspapers, Ratini, are you behind what happened at Moretti’s? I hope not because I liked their pizza.”

“We make better pizza than them. But how would you know, you never come here.”

“I do that as a favor to both of us; I don’t get poisoned and you don’t get arrested for murder. Now what is it, eh?”

“The guy that pulled the job for us is the same one who let the air out of the tires of that dealership’s cars. He is an excellent man to go to if you want vengeance on someone. He works cheap too. His name is Herbert Crawly and his number is 354- 7756. Good day.” Click.

“What did he say, boss?”

“He gave us the number and name of his personal revenge man.”

“Might be useful if he’s good.”

“I’m sure he’s good alright. He managed to get rid of the Moretti brothers. Give me the phone again, Francisco. I need to call the cops.”

“On who? The Ratini boys?”

“Don’t be a fool. They have as much on us as we have on them. They will always be our rivals. But they could use this Crawly fellow to take us out. And only Crawly would be in danger. I’m calling the cops on him.”

“Would they tell us of him if they wanted to use him against us?” asked Ricardo.

“The Ratini bunch is untrustworthy. Who knows what they could be planning.” Mr. Marino then dialed 911.

Later that day, Ace decided to tell Officer Goodman at the police station about his idea and he let the rest of the club play football. “Let us know what Goodman thinks!” hollered Anthony to Ace as he left for the station.

“I will!” replied Ace. Ace enjoyed the walk to Main Street and took his time looking at the trees and houses along the way. He walked up the steps to the station and found Officer Goodman sitting behind the main desk.

“Hey, Allen, what’s cooking?”

“Well, I have a weird theory concerning the recent crimes of the flat tires at the dealership and the planting of vermin in that restaurant.”

“Oh? You think those rats were planted?”

“That’s right; I think the same man did each crime. Herbert Crawly, a former employee at Mitchell’s Motors, did the first for revenge and the second for money.”

“Amazing,” said Goodman, “you will be happy to know you’re correct. We got a tip about Crawly and brought him in for interrogation. He obliviously isn’t an experienced crime man because he confessed to the crimes when we told him how many years of jail he was in for. Since he confessed, he’ll get a lighter sentence. The crimes weren’t even too terrible; I guess you could say we bluffed when we told him the years in jail bit,” explained Goodman smiling, “a rather tenuous fellow.”

“So I was right! But who hired him?”

“He wouldn’t tell us for ‘fear of his life’ he said. So there must be some sort of undercover crime organization that hired him. We will be on the lookout. But that was smart reasoning, Allen, good job. And keep it up,” said Officer Goodman smiling.

Ace smiled back, “I intend to.”

The author's comments:
Having posted the pilot prior, this is the very first episode of my series the Courageous Club. I hope to continue posting successive episodes. The series focuses on teens in the 70's who formed a club that fights crime. I try to incorporate old-time values that we teens are losing in our modern age. For more information on the characters and plot, please go to this site I made for it:

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