Anilands Savior :Part 2 | Teen Ink

Anilands Savior :Part 2

August 25, 2008
By Megan.B GOLD, Orting, Washington
Megan.B GOLD, Orting, Washington
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

{Next chapter. All Alone}
Alexis.Poor, poor Alexis.Such a sweet child and a death at such a young age.Disease had finaly gotten her,at only two,whether Thomas liked it or not. All he could do was give Lexy some poppy seeds to sooth the pain.From that point on he started teaching Meggie all he knew of hunting,cooking,and building a shelter.Thomas knew he wouldn't live much longer with all the creatures' slinking around the deserted village.
But he was right alot sooner than he would have thought, almost a week later a human/cat mutant came pounding into the village slashing and shouting at anthing she thought was moving.Eventually she heard Thomas singing quietly to a bird with her acute sense of hearing,it didnt take long for her to wip out her bow and an arrow to lock onto him.The arrow pinned him to the tree in a gruesome splatter of blood,the girl[I geuss you could say]ran to claim her prize and smiled at her catch but not at the boys companion.
It was a Robin named Stewart, Amber's speech teacher!
"Stewart! What are you doing!Talking to a pure bred!You traitor!"
The bird stumbled and stuttered, but he knew he knew he couldn't escape his student.
"Please,Your Highness,you have to u-understand!The boy his singing,it was so wonderful a-and I coudn't help it!I had to come listen!I-I'm sorry I'll nev-"
Interupting Amber said calmly
"I beleive you,but you'll have to explain to my mom"

The author's comments:
Once agian, if you have any ideas please comment.Thank you and enjoy!!


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