The Meadow | Teen Ink

The Meadow

February 11, 2013
By HarleyQuinn16 PLATINUM, Dacatur, Illinois
HarleyQuinn16 PLATINUM, Dacatur, Illinois
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A poet judges not as a judge judges, but as the sun falls around a helpless thing." -Walt Whitman

I'm sitting under the big tree in MY meadow. He's laying next to me. He looks so peaceful. The sunlight is pouring down around us. The wild flowers are taking over the area. There's a slight breeze, but it's warm. Like the perfect summer's day. I look at him, and he looks back up at me with his big Brown eyes. I can tell he loves me. He says it every time he smiles at me. I'm completely at peace for a long while, sitting with him under our tree...
     Just as I go to pick a flower out of the ground, it clouds up, leaving my field dark. It's still so eerily beautiful. My tree withers above me and he starts to fade away. I reach my arms out to him, begging him to stay. It's pouring down rain and the sky is lighting up every few seconds. He's gone...
     The clouds fade away, revealing a perfect sky. One might think it's a beautiful day, but they're wrong. He is what my meadow beautiful. Without him, it's just a field full of meaningless flowers and Sun. I get up to leave, never to return to our field again.

The author's comments:
This is actually in memory of my dog. We had this special meadow in the middle of the woods. He found it and it was my favorite place in the world. Now I can't even go there... It's just a memory now.

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