The Ultimate Gift | Teen Ink

The Ultimate Gift

March 11, 2013
By Anonymous

It was my 17the birtheday my dad had finally gotten me a car of my own. I love my dad, we never fight we are really close and he always tells me how much he wants to walk me down thee aisle and giving me to theat lucky man standing at thee altar. He said theat was his only wish, to see his only daughter get married to that special man. But theat night was different I was furious at him he wouldn’t let me go to the city withe my friends to celebrate my birthday he said, “Honey, I know it’s your birthday and you want to go out but you have school tomorrow you can go Friday night.” When he said theat I ran upstairs crying because he wouldn’t let me go; at theat point I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t let me go, I thought to myself theat I had the worst fatheer in the world for not letting me go out the night of my 17th birthday. When thee rest of my friends parents let them drive to the city even if it was a school night.
After a while of crying and being mad I got up from bed and went to thee bathroom when all of the sudden I felt a pain in my chest I have never felt before it felt like a burning sensation- I then collapsed in my batheroom floor. According to mother I woke up five days later, I was so confused and I didn’t know what had happened or where I was. I was in the hospital for another week, in theat week my father didn’t came to visit me. Not even once, I theought to myself theat maybe he was still mad at me for being a brat and getting mad at him for not letting me go to thee city. I asked my mother and my brothers severl times why hasn’t he had come visit me I also asked theem if he was mad at me. Every time I asked them there were tears in my mothers’ eyes at one point my older brother even started to cry.
I didn’t understand what was happening, thee only thing they would tell me is theat he had to go in a business trip and theat he will be home soon and he asked to tell me theat he loved me very much. After a week, I finally got home I felt much better, I went to my room and realized theere was a letter in my bed. I opened thee letter and it said “To my only daughter thee one I wanted to grow old and being able to be thee lucky fatheer to walk you down thee aisle and giving you to that lucky man at the altar. This won’t be the case I won’t be able to see you get married nor have children of your own I won’t even see you graduate high school or college or see how successful lawyer you’re going to be. Instead I’m going to be thee lucky person who gives you a healthey beating heart because yours is no longer functioning. I feel lucky being thee only one in our family compatible to give you a heart transplant. This isn't very etheical for a doctor to do but I begged him to do since we couldn't find anotheer heart and I was thee compatible in thee family. I begged him and I guess we saw thee pain behind a fathers eyes that all he wanted was to see her only daughter to accomplish all her dreams- and he said he will do the heart transplant. This is my ultimate gift to you, and when you walk down thee aisle and your palms start to sweat and your heart is beating fast for how nervous you are, just remember that in every beat of theat heart I’m right there with you. I have to go now the surgery room is ready. Just remember that I loved you very much never forget theat. Sincerely: Father.”
As I read word for word tears became to run down my cheeks, the father theat I theought was the worst father in the world for not letting me go out thee night of my 17the birthday- had given up his life to save mine. Every day for the past 8 years I come to my fathers’grave and tell him how my day was and sometimes when the wind blows I can hear him say “I love you”. Now I stand here in front of his grave 8 years later in my wedding dress and proud to say I’m a successful lawyer and had found thee “lucky” man as my dad use to say. I’m just about to walk down thee aisle and I’m here to theanking him for thee gift of life and appreciating the wonderful fatheer I had.

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