family reunion-damien | Teen Ink

family reunion-damien

March 18, 2013
By watever-loser.. BRONZE, Melaka, Other
watever-loser.. BRONZE, Melaka, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If someone hates you, then don't give a crap..

Let’s see… My youngest brother, Luke just broke up with his girlfriend and is currently, living with my mum which kinda driving my dad crazy. Why?-you asked. Well, he lives for free, my mum does his laundry and not to mention he just slack off most of the time. Two of the following things I just mentioned I can’t really say anything cause’ I did it too but the laundry thing just sounded like a baby. I mean he’s 20 years old. I started doing my own laundry when I was like what? Nine years old? Then, let’s talk about my one and only sister, Diana. She’s a resident at the nearest hospital which kinda made her more of a stuck up b**** than she already was. Then, my brother, Liam. Don’t take me wrong, I love that we always hang out and stuff. But I think this bromance is kinda making me a little uncomfortable. I wanted to talk to him about it but he’s kind of a sulking baby when it comes to facing reality. Seriously, I don’t know what to do. Being the first child of this family and not to mention the third grandchild of the great Mr. Ronald Waller is kinda intimidating. I have to start being responsible when I was two years old- the time Diana was born. I have to work hard and not stress myself even though I have type one diabetes at the age of 16. All the chicks at my university were saying how a guy like me doesn’t have a girlfriend despite the fact of me being 26 this year. All I want to do is just relax and stare at the sky but I can’t. Every time I have a free time, there’s surely a stupid rat getting in my way. Oh, like now. How my aunt called me at the middle of the night asking-or specifically- commanding me to take care of my grandfather. Why can’t she just do it? So, with no choice I just went to hospital with Liam and Luke- mum and dad were out of town so, I have to drag him too. It’s just the three of us and no sign of my aunt. We just waited outside of the ward cause’ visiting hours are over. We were just waiting for someone to come.-Damien

The author's comments:
what really inspired me to write this when the time my grandmother passed away. How all my ten of my mother's sibling gathered with their children and connect. Guess what? I have almost 40 cousins..

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