Anything for You | Teen Ink

Anything for You

March 25, 2013
By Livelovelaugh12 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Livelovelaugh12 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Anything for You
10:34 pm:
Brad looked around and then carefully dragged the unconscious body of the male nurse into the empty custodian closet. He cursed under his breath as he began to profusely sweat from carrying the heavyset nurse. He set the body against a cleaning supplies shelf, careful not to make a sound and locked the door. Quickly, he undressed the nurse and then himself. All of the sudden he heard the doorknob shake and His breath quickened and his heart pounded. Brad heard keys rustling and scrambled to hide the nurse’s body behind a trashcan. He searched around for a weapon and his eyes landed on an old rusty shovel. He grabbed it and ran to hide behind the door.
A custodian opened the door. Panicking, Brad took the shovel and slammed the back of the custodian’s head with it. He fell to the ground with a thud, lifeless. Brad found a heavy-duty trash bag and began to stuff the body in there. Then it hit him, he had just murdered an innocent man. But the feeling of remorse left as quickly as it began. “This is for Malaya. This is for Malaya.” Brad said over and over again to himself. His jaw tightened and he wiped the sudden tears of remorse away. He finished putting the custodian in the trash bag and put his old clothes in there as well. He put on the nurse’s scrubs and stashed the nurse’s naked body behind a large trash can. He cleaned up any evidence of him being there and then slowly opened the door. He peaked out to make sure no one was coming then he quietly exited the closet.

He walked into the empty hallway and briskly walked away from the closet. He walked with his head down mumbling to himself.
“Um sir, are you okay?” the voice came from a young attractive blonde woman.
“Uh yes sir, uh I mean ma’am, I’m sorry its just been a long day here.” Brad said.
“Its been a long day for me too. My daughter was just hospitalized.” The young woman said with a wary look in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry, I hope she gets better.” He said.
With a sigh she said “yeah me too, she’s only one and a half and she has already been here several times. You see she has a breathing condition and has difficulty breathing sometimes.”
Brad fidgeted and rocked back and forth, not sure what to say next.
“I’m so sorry; I’m just rambling on and about my personal life. Oh I need a break or better yet a vacation or maybe...” she said rambling again as she walked away. Halfway down the hall she stopped.
“Oh wait, sir? I know you’re a nurse and everything so I was wandering if you could ask Camille, a nurse, to check on my daughter again. I just have to get to the cafeteria, I haven’t eaten in ages. Oh I’m rambling again sorry. Anyway, my daughter’s name is Abigail Scott in room 313B.”
“Yes ma’am.” He said. This is perfect. Malaya will be so happy I did this for us. He thought.
He hurried down the hallway and began searching for room 313B. He found it and entered the colorful kid friendly room. He walked over to the edge of her hospital crib and that was when he saw her. She looked absolutely perfect. Her blond hair caressed her seemingly perfect face. It looked like the face of an angel and her creamy white skin seemed to almost glow. Her hazel eyes sparked with curiosity as she studied his face. He gently removed the oxygen mask off of her face and picked her up. She snuggled right into his arms and began to drift off to sleep almost immediately. A soft sigh escaped from her lips as a content smile settled on her plush rose lips. Brad gazed in awe of her beauty. Hearing feet coming down the hallway, he snapped out of the daze and he carried her out into the hallway in search of a stairway. When he finally located one, he climbed down the sets of stairs then quietly exited the hospital like he was never there.
11:29 pm:
“And here now is the mother of the missing child.” The news reporter announced and the TV flipped to a camera showing a distraught young blonde woman. “My daughter Abigail was sto-.” Malaya flipped the channel. “The news? Boring. Elf? Already seen that.” She thought to herself. Finally she settled on a hallmark movie. “Ugh, another movie about love. That’s all I need.”
Malaya had been in several relationships before. All of which had failed. Now at 32 she was ready for family, but that wasn’t in the cards right now. Especially since she was just getting over a recent breakup. They had gotten pretty serious but failed at having children. Not wanting to believe it was her fault, she broke up with him. Telling him the reason was he couldn’t give her what she wanted and what she wanted was children and a family.
There was a sudden knock on the door. Malaya jumped, startled from the abrupt noise. “Its 11:38 pm, who would be here this late?” she said as her curiosity turned to fear. But the curiosity was too strong and she went over and peeked through the peep hole. Confused by why this person was here, she opened the door.
Brad burst through the door as soon as it opened. He pushed Malaya out of the way and she grabbed the couch to steady herself. Her curiosity turned to anger as she began to demand Brad to tell her what was going on. But she then looked down and saw what was in his arms.

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This article has 1 comment.

Forever245 said...
on Apr. 3 2013 at 6:35 pm
This was great, i could really feel the emotion!