The Dark Lands | Teen Ink

The Dark Lands

April 15, 2013
By Purplerey BRONZE, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Purplerey BRONZE, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The closet
I awoke late one night to find my closet door wide open. It was around midnight and it was pitch-black. I strictly remember I closed the door last night before I went to bed. I climbed slowly out of bed, being careful not to fall off. As I got to the edge of my bed the closet door started to screech closed. SSSCCCRRRREEEEECCCHHH! I was frightened but didn’t show it, I kept going nice and slow. I got slower each time I got closer. There I was in front of the black hole, so scared I could pee my pants. But I won’t not now not in front of a haunted closet. I start to see a weird shadow figure crawling towards me I could hear its bone crack, as it moved closer and closer to me, this frightened vic tum of this creature who lives in darkness.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by my English teacher in 6th grade. This is just a small part of a short novel I want to write.

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