Sorry Adam | Teen Ink

Sorry Adam

May 1, 2013
By Zchurchith BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Zchurchith BRONZE, Auburn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The man who doesn't fall, is the one who can't stand up."
-Fedor Emelianenko

It was only a week ago when I heard about Adam. We had grown up together, and now what was it worth? Nothing. Adam and I were best friends, so it was hard to take the news, how could someone who always had a smile on their face be someone to commit suicide? It was just, the most hard-hitting moment I have ever gone through. All because some jerk with a letter on his jacket couldn't keep his mouth shut. It has been a year since he left us. I wish he had seen me win the state championship for wrestling... He didn't though. He was bullied because of his height, weight, and intelligence... Funny, I always thought being smart got you places, not Adam... It only got him a plot in the graveyard. I always tried to defend him, I would see kids smacking him around, calling him names, and I would try to stop them, but all Adam said was "Be the bigger person, they aren't worth it." I wouldn't have been able to just walk away with a smile on my face, he was way stronger than me to be able to deal with torture like that... No human is built to withstand that. I wish you could read this right now Adam, we all miss you down here.

The author's comments:
I was and am often bullied, I hope people understand that it can, and will hurt people.

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