Down Under | Teen Ink

Down Under

May 23, 2013
By Chuckkkkk BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
Chuckkkkk BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Courage is being scared of death..... and saddling up any way.

"Where are we?"
"I'm glad you are up I thought you were dead.... We had to move to a different place. They were getting closer and closer, so I had to move us before it was to late. They were driving around and around out side of the house, I could hear there every little foot steps all around the house. So I waited for the sen to drop until it got dark and got us the hell out of that creepy house. I walked with you over my shoulders for miles until I couldn't walk no more then I found this place about an hour ago."
"Ya but where did you move us too?"
"In an old underground storm seller behind an abandon brick house, I found along side of the old railroad tracks."
"Oh, well what happened to me?"
"A rafter fell form the sealing like a lighting bolt in that old house we were staying in, and hit you on the head and you passed out for about 6 hours."
"It feels like my head is about to fall off."

" Why did you have to get us into this trouble?"
"Me?? You are the one who said it was a good idea, besides we were just taking back what was rightfully ours."
"Ummm, NO! I said we should just take ours, not the whole damn thing."
"Well, I thought that it was all going to work, the plan was flawless."
"I don't want to go to jail Billy, I am to young to spend the rest of my life in prison."
"YOU WON'T!!! I did it not you, and if they catch us you had nothing to do with this, it was all my idea and i forced you into it."
"Are you insane? They will never believe that, they know everything already. There is nothing we can do, lets just go turn our selves in!"

"NO! We aren't turning our selves in it would be the end of the world if we did that, you go make a fool of your self and turn your self in. Well, if you go turn your self in maybe they will let you off if you justr tell them that I forced you into eveything. The court hows is about 11 milles form here, if you leave now you will make it there before the clock strikes 12."
"OK, Ill do it. But what are you going to do?"
"I will do what I always do, ride off into the sunset."

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