Is Your Private Life Really Private? | Teen Ink

Is Your Private Life Really Private?

June 27, 2013
By Cardoso32 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
Cardoso32 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How private is your private life? Well let me tell you. It’s not really private. All around you there is a camera that is watching what you do. Ya I know creepy.

Well let me tell you something. Your life is always on camera. When you are at school there are cameras on campus. When you go to the store there are cameras watching you. Wherever you walk to there will be a camera stalking you. If you are running around the block or on the track or even inside your own house there is a camera that can see you.
Cameras are everywhere some you can see and some are hidden. For instance, a camera can be hidden in a tree, posted somewhere in the park, on the corner of a sidewalk, on a building, on an electricity pole, or even in the sky. Some cameras you may see right in front of you, some on buildings, some in parks, some in the sky, some on posts, or even trees. There is even one main camera way in the atmosphere that can see the united states at once. All of the cameras lead to their own security base where it is being watched by security.
Every move you make and every step you take the camera will see it. Even when you think there is no one watching you, there is a camera.Cameras can be anywhere as i said before. Wherever you go walking or run you are being watched by cameras. People believe that they aren't being watched, but reality, they are.
Now how private is your private life. Ya I know not that private. Your private life might be private to your friends, but to the cameras its all ears. Wherever you are stealth or scamper your life is being watched by cameras. All around you there is a camera and no privacy.

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