Burning the House | Teen Ink

Burning the House

July 17, 2013
By nagasakigirl BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
nagasakigirl BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If writers wrote as carelessly as some people talk, then adhasdh asdglaseuyt[bn[ pasdlgkhasdfasdf.” –Lemony Snicket, Horseradish: Bitter truths you can’t avoid

The old porch that grandma used to sit on sagged, sagged like a hammock on a tropical beach. The grey shingles were jumping from the rooftop like popping popcorn kernels. The stained glass windows flew from their frames like baby birds jumping from their nest. The windows landed on the hazel brown grass. The flames licked affectionately like a puppy at the dopey front door. The old grey paint was alive with light again as the fire brought it into its welcoming arms. Like a hamster the flames came out from under the dopey front door and crawled out onto the porch and started to run around. I watched and giggled at the circus of fire animals playing in my house.

Those fire circus animals continued to play in the house and the house continued to get smaller and smaller. The cute animals were having a little too much fun and it was going to ruin Grandma's house. There was nothing I could do except watch as the animals played. Watching I feel as if maybe I should be playing with them. I took a few steps towards the fire circus. The fire lion broke down the front door and came bounding out onto the porch. The scurrying hamsters hurried away as the lion opened his mouth. He let out a roar and the flames shot ten feet up into the air. The roof was being devoured by the lion’s roar. The sight was beautiful and graceful, like the lion.

Calls came from behind me, screams echoed, breaking the beautiful noise of the fire circus. Looking back those kids screamed at the sight and yelled insults at me. The blue and red lights of an intruding cop car came into view and the red of a speeding fire truck hurried towards me.

Tears claimed my eyes and my vision blurred. I let out my own roar, hoping it would be like the lion’s. But no flames lifted high into the air. I looked at the house, crying and the lion stood there. He motioned for me to join him. If I joined him I could be one with the fire. I could be powerful and strong and nothing could stand in my way once I was with the fire.

I staggered to the flaming steps and the lion let out a roar that sent the flames running out to me. They consumed my hair and my clothes. The heat of the fire felt amazing and as it burned my skin I smiled and laughed as the roof collapsed and the rubble flew at me.

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