Jason | Teen Ink


November 1, 2013
By Theanimationbuff BRONZE, Manhasset, New York
Theanimationbuff BRONZE, Manhasset, New York
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Show your creativity, don't hide it from others

It was eight period; all the students were leaving their seventh period class to go into their lockers or next class. All, but one student. His name is Jason, he hates school. He claims that school for idiots that can’t think and the knowledge serves no purpose to life. And every day, Jason will cut school around fifth or sixth period to go hang out at home to play video games and his guitar. He would constantly not study for test, and it’s an attitude like that is why he and his brother are in a sour relationship. But one day, it will all change.

One Monday afternoon, Jason returned from school at fifth period. He turned on his Xbox 360 to play the newest Call of Duty game. Around five minutes later, he received a text message on his phone from his brother: ‘Jason r u at school?’ Jason’s response to the text was: ‘No, why does it matter to you Mr. ‘perfect’ man.’ After replying to his brother’s message he proceeds to return to play his little game. A few minutes later his brother send him another text message: ‘Tonight at dinner, you’ll be sorry.’ Jason didn’t mind it.
“He can’t hurt me; it will ruin his ‘perfect’ personality.” He said.
Several hours passed and soon enough the rest of Jason’s family came home.
“What up dudes and ladies?” He greeted to his mom, dad his younger sister and of course his older brother. However, with the exception of his younger sister, no one greeted Jason back.
“Whatever, I’m sure you all had a pointless day of unnecessary work, here I’ll make my onion soup for all…”
“NO!” his mom dad and brother shouted.
“But I want some of Jason’s onion soup.” Said the little sister.
“Sorry sweetie, no soup for all of us tonight, Jason is in big trouble.” Replied the mother.
Jason was surprised. “Why am I in trouble?” He thought to himself. He was told strictly not long after to go upstairs because he won’t be eating dinner tonight.
“Before you give us any lip, this for the better Jason.” Explained his dad. “Your brother and we had been noticing your grades in High School are horrendous. You’re flunking every single class, and we’ve been receiving phone calls stating you’ve been out of school a lot. What’s up Jason? Why are you doing this?”
“Because school is for freak in dumbbells. They can’t think properly so rather than learning the damn stuff all by them self, people hire others to teach the stuff to us. Why is that consider a good idea? Why can’t we live this alone and learn it later in life when we have a job?” Shouted Jason
“That’s a lie!” Screamed his brother
“Shut it Nelson. Jason, that’s a stupid reason to hate school, the stuff you learn can be vital to when you have a job as a chef.” Explained his mother
“Oh yeah, because multiplication can be such a vital use when making a pie.” Replied Jason
“Well, you can figure out how many slices to cut if you learn it in school.” Said his father
“Nonsense!” Shouted Jason
“That’s it! You’re dead to me you son of a…” screamed Nelson
Nelson then proceeded to lunge at Jason and drove him down the floor. A cloud of kicks and punches were only seen from there as well as the occasional strangling. It was brutal to look at as some teeth flew out of the dust cloud; shards from Nelson’s glasses weren’t far behind either. The father decided to take the younger sister to her room, while the mom had to think of a way to stop the fighting.
“ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She shouted
The fighting at last seized upon the mom’s screaking tone. Jason was now missing two teeth; his shirt and his pants were messed up and a bit of blood was dripping from his forehead. Nelson’s glasses were practically nonexistence anymore and lost five of his teeth.
“You two, should be ashamed of yourselves.” She continued “Jason, your school cutting days are over. You’re punished. No more Xbox 360, no cooking no anything until you get back to school and pick up your grades ASAP!”
“Oh, you can’t tell me what to do; you’re not home when I cut school. So you can’t influence me to do better in that abomination to society.” Replied Jason
“That’s it Jason. You’ve crossed my line.” Groaned his mother “I’ll get to you latter Nelson, something has to be done with your foulmouthed brother.”
She walked out of the kitchen and headed straight towards the living room. In there, she took out a phone.
“Hello, Bolvedall rehab. I would like to sign up my son Jason Tan to your program. He needs a much better discipline.” She said

Jason was never the same, from that day on. There punishment in that building changed him for the better.

The author's comments:
I read a small story that described this character. I wondered if I could exoand on it, like how would things turn out when his paretns find out about this.

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