The mystical writer preview | Teen Ink

The mystical writer preview

December 12, 2013
By Misterepicman1337 SILVER, Rockford, Michigan
Misterepicman1337 SILVER, Rockford, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a pretty shy guy at first, but once you get to know me, get ready for some crazy-"
-Me, Comicon, 2013.

Its late at night, and you're trying to write the 3rd chapter to your book. your a published author, and you've promised ten chapters by this coming Friday. its currently Tuesday, and you cant believe your publisher could want ten chapters in 3 days. not to mention the fact that this was about the worst day of your life. The theme of your book is like characters from a fantasy, a medieval, and a murder mystery-Sherlock Holmes type thing coming together and escaping from... Somewhere.
You here a rapid knock on the door. you know you should answer it, but you just had an idea.
(2) Answer the door or
(3) Tell them you will be there in a minute and finish your sentence?

"Be there in a second!" You yell, Stopping in the middle of a sentence. you make a wild dash to the door, and the door doesn't open so much as explode from the force of the knocking. "OPEN U- Thank GOD its you!" Its your good friend, Eli. "Why so worried, Eli?" "Haven't you heard the news?!? This- this flying THING is attacking central park! Its Scaly and green, and looks kind of like- oh god im crazy- a DRAGON!" Probably just another one of his pranks. "Not gonna fool me this time, Eli." He pulled a prank like this on you last week and hes been trying to again ever since. "Im serious! Turn on the tv!"
(4) Turn on the TV and play along or
(5) Just say that we should go to central park ourselves?

"Just lemme finish this sentence!" you yell. you glance over at the window, thinking how you're going to finish this chapter. you then see a flash of Emerald green swoosh by the Window. Aha! You can have the dragon try to save the village! They will mistake him for, uh, The sorcerers evil- KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!! You think you catch a glimpse of something in the window, but the knocking has gotten so intense you can barley think.
(8) Go Investigate the window OR
(2) Answer the door?

The author's comments:
I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for a while. If you would like me to continue this piece, leave a comment.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 17 2013 at 5:39 pm
No-one-knows-me.. PLATINUM, Rockford, Michigan
27 articles 0 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
To be or not to be That is the question.

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