Shadow | Teen Ink


January 17, 2014
By SavannahRose BRONZE, Lexington, Massachusetts
SavannahRose BRONZE, Lexington, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”
- Malala Yousafzai

Wherever I go, it follows. Step by step it always appears.
I slightly move my hand in circles like a bird flapping its wings. As I am moving, a girl appears that looks exactly like me. Confused yet curious, I try taking a big step out into the woods. There, she stands where I stand. She was me. I was her. As I walk down the deserted road, the sun begins to slowly vanish. Looking down to search for my shadow, I notice that she too is starting to fade. Shortly after the shadow disappeared, I walked home and went to bed. Early the next morning, I go for another walk on the abandoned dead end road. Hours after arriving, she appears again. Looking up at the beautifully lit sky, I then notice a pattern. The shadow appears only when the sun is lit in the daytime. Eager to know, I start talking to it. "Hello," I said. Waiting to see if an answer would return I sit down on a rock. I hear a voice that is as quiet as a mouse. The words were unclear. After saying whatever was said, she fades. Day after day, the shadow would come and go. She would mumble words when you tried to talk to her. Nothing crossed my mind when a word was spoken. My shadow has made me unsure of who I am. It comes and goes, so does that mean I am a untrustworthy person? Or does it mean that I shine like the sun, and if a dark, gloomy cloud comes along I vanish because I am a kind person? That was on my mind the whole night. Sad, not really knowing who I was, it started to rain. The weather is a sign of my feelings. When the heavy rain pours down, it is representing sorrow, and when the sun is shining fully up in the sky, that represents happiness. Everyday I am a cheerful, loving person and I always have the sun shining down on me. I found who I was.
I found who my shadow was. There was no difference between the two. We were the same.

The author's comments:
Shadows have always interested me, and so I thought it would make a good story that is about a girl who is experiencing her own shadow and has to put the puzzle pieces together, but in the end she has to figure out who she really is.

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