World's End: King's Rise | Teen Ink

World's End: King's Rise

March 3, 2014
By SelenaMarie BRONZE, Springfeild Township, Ohio
SelenaMarie BRONZE, Springfeild Township, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To love is to destroy and to be the one loved is to be the one destroyed." ~ Jace Wayland (The Mortal instruments: City of Bones)

Prologue: Homecoming

Jay Summers stepped off the plane and his blond hair blew in all directions. He knew she was waiting for him and would be happy to have him back. This time a smile would spread across her face instead of tears staining her cheeks. He reached the main entrance and the first thing he notices was the golden brown hair he knew all too well. It was the girl he loved and he can finally see her again after a month apart. He wrapped his arms around her torso and pulled her back close to his chest. The familiar smell of cherry blossom perfume filled his nose. It brought back the memory of when they first met.
It was mid-July and the morning sun was beating down warming the black pavement of the hotel parking lot as he made his way to the majorettes’ room. His sister, Isabelle opened the door and Misery was standing at the mirror lightly spraying her body mist on her neck and wrist. When Misery looked at him with that shy smile Jay’s mind was racing with how beautiful she is. She didn’t have to wear make-up to impress him; she had him caught with that smile.

That memory brings a smile to his face but he must end it. He lied to her about why he really went to Canada and now he must lie about their relationship not working out. He remembered the last time they broke it off and how upset she was. She changed everything about herself both physically and mentally. The thought of her depression, all black clothes, and closing people off for good made his stomach twist. He promised he would never hurt her but melt her heart into his and hold her for eternity. Promises are so important to her and it will crush her for good but, it is just not meant to be.
While he was in mid thought Misery turned to face him and pressed her lips on his. His lips followed hers, hands gripping her back while she ran her fingers through his hair. Did she know how crazy she was making him and how he really felt or what was going through his mind? He couldn’t break her heart now and act as if he did not love her which means he must lie to his father about them breaking up. This was the girl he could see the rest of his life with.
Misery pulled back with glassy eyes and that smile that she only showed him. Her lips bright red, eye liner made her eyes more beautiful but she didn’t just change her make up but her wardrobe. Leather jacket, skin tight brown shirt, and tight leather pants. It showed her curves perfectly, it made him think of her as not just beautiful but the most beautiful girl he knows.
Isabelle was standing with their mother Marcy Anderson waiting for their turn to welcome him home. Misery moved aside and Marcy wrapped him in a hug. He knew Marcy hated that he went to see his father but he must to get his power under control just like Isabelle did the year before. Marcy was a young mother only seventeen when he was born and that’s when his father had left, leaving only a note about why. Isabelle was the first to speak with a smile of defiance “Welcome to the dark side brother.”

The author's comments:
This is just the prologue of the book I am writing. More to come soon!

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