The Purse Bully | Teen Ink

The Purse Bully

March 4, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Your purse is fake!” said Tiffany.

“No its not, you are just mad because you do not have a purse like this one” said Stephanie.

In this scenario Stephanie is having a problem with a girl at her school name Tiffany. Tiffany is spreading false rumors around the entire school about Stephanie. The only reason why Tiffany is spreading rumors around the school about Stephanie is because she is very jealous. Tiffany sees that Stephanie has this Micheal Kors that she has been dying to have. So instead of her just going out and buying her own she decides to tell people that Stephanie has a fake purse. Because of these rumors Stephanie is angry and sad. Now people will associate themselves with her because they think she has a fake purse.

Stephanie might solve this problem by ignoring what Tiffany has to say about her purse but Stephanie ends up responding to her anyway. Eventually Tiffany will get in trouble for bothering Stephanie.

“I see that you are still walking around with that fake purse” said Tiffany.

“Excuse me” said Stephanie.

“You heard what I said” said Tiffany.

“Look if you have a problem with me we can solve this right here and now” said Stephanie.

Tiffany then shoves Stephanie and she stumbles but doesn’t fall. Then Stephanie shoves Tiffany and she falls and twists her ankle.

“Look what you’ve done to me” yelled Tiffany

“I… I…” said Stephanie.

Mrs. Williams the principal comes walking down the hallway at a very fast pace.

“What is going on here?” said Mrs. Williams.

“Stephanie pushed down for no reason at all” said Tiffany.

“Oh really, that’s funny I just got some complaints from some teachers saying that there was some yelling going on that is disturbing some of the ongoing classes. So let me ask this question only one more time. What is going on?” said Mrs. Williams.

No one says one word.
“Okay since no one has anything to say, I will just let the office referrals speak for themselves.” Said Mrs. Williams

“Okay I will talk. Tiffany has been going around telling people that my purse is fake, which it is not, and she pushed me first so I just defended myself by pushing her back” said Stephanie.

“Well Tiffany while you are in the nurse’s office I will be writing up your office referral for bullying” said Mrs. Williams.

“What” yelled Tiffany.

“You should have thought about that before you started being a bullying. Well Stephanie I will write you a pass to your next class. I will be sure to handle this problem accordingly” said Mrs. Williams.

Tiffany is limps her way to the nurses office.

“Thank you Mrs. Williams for your help” said Stephanie.

“No problem Stephanie. You just have to remember to tell a teacher or an adult that you if someone start to bother you” said Mrs. Williams.

“Yes ma’am I will try to be braver instead of taking the matter in my own hands next time” said Stephanie.

Mrs. Williams makes her way to the office and Stephanie makes her way to her next class.

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