Dog Whisperer | Teen Ink

Dog Whisperer

April 10, 2014
By Katieheu15 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Katieheu15 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dog Whisperer

One sunny day Cha was walking to work. He gets out of work at 3:00 pm. He walks all the time to work because it saves him gas and it is not too far from his home. Every day he goes by this house as big as a castle and there is this dog that always runs away when Cha walks by.

He tries to talk to the dog, he even sometimes bring treats. The dog never comes near him, except this one really hot and sunny day. The dog runs towards Cha. He gets a bit scared because the dog never comes near him, but guess what…
Once he gets to Cha, the dog cries, “The little girl has fainted due to the heat!”
Cha understands the dog and runs to the big house. No one is home but the little girl and of course her dog. All that Cha sees is the little girl pale and lying on the ground with a bowl of cereal that she dropped. He then calls the ambulance and once they take her away, Cha calls her parents.
Cha then asks the dog, “Why is it that you always run away from me?”
The dog replies, “You scare me. Are you a dog whisperer?”
Cha says, “Yes, it is something that runs in my family. But hey boy, if it weren’t for you, that little girl could not have made it.”
Answering him, the dog says, “Thanks, but if it weren’t for you, no one would of understood me and helped the little girl.”

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