Project Tegami: Asia | Teen Ink

Project Tegami: Asia

March 26, 2014
By Reina-Chan BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Reina-Chan BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A concept that will deal with the self. A struggle that one has to face. No more running. No more running. To lay it all out and witness reality. Coming to terms. A cry for help. Just drowning in despair. With no guide, the outside world eats me. I see it all and I want it all. Push it though, I'm not ready and not willing and breaking and numb. It's just all around me. Waiting. I dislike it. The light he showed me is in my heart. Do I want it? Do I even need it? Why do I care? Break me. That's all you're good for. Just break me. I want to be numb again. Push me aside. Sinking, slowly sinking into my mind. There's nothing, there's nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing. Why do I wish for this? Pain, is there anymore pain awaiting me? Hurt me, burn me, cut me, bite me, stab me, love me.

I saw it again. Nothing. It is empty and barren. Am I ready? I...I...can not feel you. There's nothing there. The self must witness. Time unravels a broken hand. Reach for me, those faded memories. I wish for something eternal. I fall and break everything. What is it? Is it seeking me? I hate and I hate. Blow me away. Fade away into the dark and become nothing.

What was that again? Dig deeper. Go more deeper. What was that again? Deeper, deeper, and what awaits? Nothing? No, I want you to go deeper. It waits, those eternal memories. Together. Breaking. Pain. Hate. Nothing. Fade away. Break away. No, no. I see it . Far away. Please, no. A light. Beauty. Pureness. Hope. No, no, no. What was that again? Love me! Love me! I want to be loved!

I want love. I want attention. I want it all. Throw me away. Let me fade and never again. Drink, fall, drink, and cry and more drink and hate and spin and drink. No more, no more time to talk. Cry into the abyss that awaits, blame me. It's over and I see it. The future and nothing more. Is nothing better and dig deeper. Into the abyss. Into nothing.

They await. They stand smiling and open their arms. What do I want? What was that again? I want to be loved and I want to be loved! Betray it all and forever run. Why do you care? Just fade into eternity. I will fade. A memory. To see it. Ah, what a wish.

He was the man I loved. There was nothing I could ever want. We loved, we hurt and we fade. He has turned eternal. He has become nothing. I wish for nothing more. We never talked and he is nothing. We never loved and he is nothing. There was only pain. I loved him and he is nothing.
I look into the abyss. I look into my mind. I am numb. The time is eternal. The memory is eternal. I push away and cry.

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