my letter to my son at 18 | Teen Ink

my letter to my son at 18

May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

My letter to Ryan at 18 now when I am 18
Dear Ryan,

Now you’re 18, and I am 18 as I write this letter to you. I am sure you have grown up into a wonderful young man. As of right now you are kicking around in my tummy. It’s one of my favorite feelings a person could ever experience. I am only 5 and a-half months pregnant with you, and have about 4 more until you are brought into this world.
When I first found out I was pregnant I was shocked and scared at the same time, because I am young and having a child is a huge responsibility. The worst part was having to tell your grandparents, and having to disappoint them. All they wanted for me was to be able to go to college and do what I have dreamed of doing ever since I was a little girl… being a zookeeper. They also wanted me to be financially stable and married before I had a baby. You were definitely not a mistake, just a surprise, but a special surprise.
I still plan on going to college and getting a good job so I can provide the best life for you, and so does your father. He plans on going to college to be a nurse. I plan to become a veterinarian for the wild animals. We both plan to do our best for you and make sure you enjoy every minute of your life.
How do you think I did as your mother? Hopefully you think I did a wonderful job. It was my goal to be the best mother I could be for you, raising you right and teaching you manners and respect for others. I don’t want you to have to be young and have a kid also. I want you to be able to enjoy life to the fullest, get married, have a stable income, and then have babies because once you have a baby your whole life changes. You no longer get to focus on just yourself; you now are responsible for another life. You give up your free time to now having to change diapers, feeding, burping and rocking the baby if he or she is colicky. You also don’t get time to go out with that special someone. Just be sure son that you are ready for all that before you have a child of your own.
But there is one thing I know for sure you are going to be very spoiled once you’re born. There are so many people who love you and will be there for you throughout your life. Your grandma is very excited now and can’t wait until you are here. She’s going to treat you like such a little prince.
My life is definitely going to change, but I am okay with that, now you are my life. You are my number one priority. Your father has wanted to buy you a dirt bike so you both can go riding together, once you are old enough. My love for you grows more and more every day. You are constantly growing and you make me sore quite often, but that’s okay because you are so worth it.
Love, Mom

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