True Love's Kiss | Teen Ink

True Love's Kiss

December 3, 2014
By infinitskies BRONZE, Beijing, Other
infinitskies BRONZE, Beijing, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine you're under a curse. Imagine you are lying silently in a flowered casket. Imagine the people in black clothes standing folornly around you. Can you picture it? Then imagine this: A tall, slender figure approaches your unmoving body. This person leans towards you and his eyes meet your closed ones. There is a warm feeling on your lips. Slowly, your eyes flutter open, and you push yourself up. You see the face of your true love right before of your eyes...

That is basically a love story. Not a good one, of course, but still, a love story. And this story is of a famous scene in movies like Sleeping Beauty, or Snow White. True Love's Kiss. What a dream...Well, snap back to reality. That will never happen. First of all, there is no such thing as magic, which means that a kiss breaking a curse is already a big no-no.

Furthermore, if, for example, you died, do you think your boyfriend/girlfriend would kiss your rotting corpse? If you do, would you kiss your boyfriend/girlfriend's dead and decaying one? Didn't think so. With this piece of information, one should not expect anything like 'true love's kiss' to ever actually happen as nobody would want to kiss a dead corpse.

To conlude this very short article, I would like to point out that in a previous article, I have mentioned that I did not believe in true love in the very first place. Assuming that there is no such thing as true love, the probability of 'true love's kiss' actually happening has gone from already dwindling single digits to a Big, Fat Zero. If we all already know that true love's will never happen, it is no longer worth it to hope for such miraculous events to occur.

The author's comments:

My love for crushing people's dreams has motivated me to write this inspiring article that destroys anyone's hopes for a so-called 'True Love's Kiss'


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