up in the air | Teen Ink

up in the air

December 8, 2014
By kato_kat SILVER, Hemet, California
kato_kat SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Its five in the morning, all I here is the ongoing call of flights boarding. People are rushing around like maniacs trying to make their flight. Ten minutes later I board my flight. Turns out I am sitting next to an elderly couple. They seemed nice. Then I hear the roar of and engine. The plane starts moving and before I know it we are up in the air. Since it was a 4 hour flight they only gave up peanuts and sandwhiches.All I see out the window are clouds. Clouds that look like puffy pillows. Three and a half ours later we start to descend. I see a city. Cars below that look like ants and buildings that lock like bricks. Bing the seatbelt warning sign comes on. Ten minutes later we are on the ground and ready to leave the plane. I exit the plane and walk down a long hallway till i reach the pickup gate. There is see my family. Standing there, my mom with tears in her eyes and my dad ready to welcome me with a hug.

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