STRESS | Teen Ink


February 27, 2015
By kato_kat SILVER, Hemet, California
kato_kat SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stress, something everyone has in common. Everyday we wish it doesn't exist. Stress is like glitter it gets everywhere and is hard to get rid of. What would the world be like without stress? Peaceful? Dull? Calm? There is no such thing as a human being without stress. Even animals get stressed sometimes,like on time my dog was stressed out from not being able jump on my bed because he is to fat. Writing this is already making me stress. Questions begin to spiral in my head, all jumbled up. People put stress on you just by asking what your plan is for the future then you start to worry about it. Stress can affect many things like health, school, and work.


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