Treeson | Teen Ink


April 12, 2015
By Mollicz GOLD, Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania
Mollicz GOLD, Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania
19 articles 5 photos 0 comments

I have seen many things during my time in the city. I have seen couples fall in love as they walk past me. I have seen children play along the sidewalk. I have seen people’s tears, smiles, and their laughter float along the breeze. I have seen people’s lives start to begin and continue to end.
I have stood here and witnessed all of this joy you have brought to our world, but I have also witnessed the crimes you commit against yourself. You walk my street and judge each other. You steal, cheat, and don’t even get punished most of the time. Some of you have even intentionally harmed your peers. Why someone would steal someone’s bag or bike defeats me, but you all seem to do it. I don’t. Well, I can’t. But if I could the thought would not even have crossed my mind. I try to help things. I fill my branches with animals that don’t have homes. I produce food. I even give you the air you need to survive. Without me your lungs would be lifeless.
Yet, I’m the one who is about to be killed. And for what? Blocking some apartment’s view. I have done nothing wrong. I am just a witness of the treason you have all committed. I am innocent. So, I’m begging you to please put away that axe and just let me be. I haven’t caused any harm. Please.

The author's comments:

This is a piece about a tree who is pleading for its life, as it is about to be cut down. 

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