To Start A New | Teen Ink

To Start A New

April 20, 2015
By alison_bishop BRONZE, Wauksha, Wisconsin
alison_bishop BRONZE, Wauksha, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have never listened to anyone who criticized my taste in space travel, sideshows or gorillas. When this occurs, I pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room.

I’ve been told I have 5 days to live. Live what? I am 115 years old. I have a doctorate's degree in life, a real diploma in creative writing and sociology. I worked with the FBI, I’ve wrote 45 movies, won 3 Oscars, wrote 3 books. I bungee jumped, sky dived, seen the world. I have 5 children, 21 grandchildren, who I love dearly. I loved someone, what more do I need to live? These last few months have been hard, losing your husband of 94 years isn’t easy. Cancer took Adam from me 3 months ago, but I don’t have to remind you about that. All I want is to be with him. It’s 2115 you’d think they’d have the cure for cancer. But they don’t, because I have the same damn thing. 115 years, I couldn’t count that high until I was in 7 or 8. Most people would kill to live this long, but the longer you’re alive the more you realize how boring and repetitive life is. All I want to say is that I am glad I’ve lived this long, but sometimes dying isn’t a sad goodbye, sometimes it’s a good. It’ll be a good, goodbye when I go.
I still hear the ringing of my heart beat stopping. The yelling of my children to get a nurse, the shock of the electricity trying to bring me back from the dead. I don’t understand I have to be dead.
“Please Ashley, wake up! My sweet baby girl wake up!” I haven’t heard that voice in almost 50 years.
“She has brain activity and is breathing under her own power. Give her an hour or so. Either she'll flat line or open her eyes.” Another voice said.
“I don’t understand what you all are saying! I already flatlined, if this is heaven then where is Adam?” I asked, they looked at me horrified.
“Ashley honey, what are you talking about?” She looks familiar.
“Mom? I must be in heaven!” I yelled. “115 years of living has been tiring!”
“Mrs. Heli,” The guy started, I’m guessing he’s some type of doctor, “We might need to run some tests on Ashley’s brain. Remember she has been in a coma for 3 years now.”
“A coma? You are crazy! Is this some type of joke you play in heaven?”
“Ashley can you tell me todays date?”
“Why yes I can! It’s April 15th, 2115!”
“how old are, if I am ask?”
“”Well it’s rude to ask a lady her age but I’m 115 years old.
“Yeah, Nurse!” Why was he calling a nurse. What’s going on? “Get me an MRI and make sure I get a full scan of her brain.”
“Doctor! Why does my 13 year old daughter think she’s 115?”
“We are going to get to the bottom of it.” Why are they taking me down three levels?
“If you’d excuse me, I’m going to take a shower. 13 years old, you guys are joking.”
I walked into the bathroom, feeling more energy in each step. When I finally reached the sink I looked up.
“OH MY GOD!” I screamed. I heard an alarm going off on the other side of the locked door. “No this can’t be happening!” The door shook. I sank to the floor, tears rushing down my cheeks. Somehow they got in, my mom held me as tears flew from my eyes. I still was alive. “I was dead” I kept repeating it over and over until my voice became to horse from the sobbing. I don’t know what year it is. I don’t know what happened, who I am. All I know is that my name is Ashley Heli, again. I am 13, again. I was in a coma. I never got my degrees, I never bungee jumped, I never had my children but most of all  I never will have my Adam. I am only Ashley Heli, not and never will be Ashley Sanders.

The author's comments:

This short story is about an old lady in her final moments, or so you think

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