The Mysterious Book | Teen Ink

The Mysterious Book

May 14, 2015
By riyamakharia BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
riyamakharia BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As Uncle Marcus arrived at the Harrison’s house for Alice’s birthday in the summer of 1918, Alice herself ran outside to greet him. Little did she know this would be the last birthday of her life.
She absolutely loved him but he absolutely hated her. Ever since she was born Marcus had vowed to kill her.
     Out of breath from running she asked, “What did you get me?” Uncle Marcus chuckled. “Here darling” he said “go ahead and open it.” Alice tore the paper eagerly unraveling a small black and white book with a title written in French.
“It’s my 16th birthday and you got me a book?” she asked disappointed.
“Sweetie, this is no ordinary book. It’s the book I told you about,” he replied coldly but calmly.
“It’s still just an ordinary book that says Veines de la Mort. Wait. Veines de la Mort? Veins of Death?”
“Yes. But it’s a very good book. Come on lets go inside.”
After Uncle Marcus and Alice came inside Alice set the book down on the kitchen counter promising to read it later.
        Meanwhile Uncle Marcus was talking to Mother. After the party Alice claimed to be going upstairs to sleep.
      Later while Mother was tucking Sonny, Alice’s younger sister into bed she noticed the lights in Alice’s bedroom were on. She went to find out why the lights were on. Upon entering the room Mother saw vines crawling out of the book and Alice lay flat on the bed dead. She screamed causing Sonny and Uncle Marcus to rush over. She quickly covered Sonny’s eyes preventing her from seeing Alice on the bed. She called the doctor and they hurried over.
      At the hospital Mother tried to persuade the doctors to let her see Alice but they did not budge. When she heard Alice was dead she froze. She was so scared for her and Sonny but not Marcus.
       By that time she had figured out the book that lay with veins hanging out was the book Uncle Marcus had given her. He later confessed about attempting to kill her and gave his reason for hating her.
        Well after he confessed Mother banned him from the house so he got mad and left. Anyway he left the book behind so Mother decided to read it. But skip the page with the veins.
        Inside the front cover it said do not read this book unless you want to die. Mother and Alice both ignored the comment and on the page right after the page with the veins it said he had warned her about the book. Now it was too late.
     After Mother read the rest of the book she hid it away so no one else would find it and die. Mother felt so sad and depressed so she decided to go on a walk. On the walk she saw couples hugging and moms playing with their kids.
Well while Mother was sad Uncle Marcus was watching her. Moving with every sign of footsteps. He followed Mother quickly but quietly at the same time. In his mind he had already conjured up a plan to get the book. His mind was set on getting that book. And once Marcus had his mind set on something he was determined to finish it. There Mother stood, by the old pond where the two of them used to play and feed the ducks.
Mother could have sworn she heard footsteps following her but when she turned around she saw nothing but green grass and children playing with a Frisbee. Her sadness slowly faded away as she saw a figure crying behind the trees. The figure had long silky black hair, dirty raged clothes and a small duffel bag by her lower thigh. Mother remembered Alice’s long silky hair and precious dresses but something about this girl seemed familiar. Mother soon found herself tiptoeing toward the strange girl.
The girl, surprised that someone was walking toward her smiled. She stood up. She too also found herself walking toward Mother. She ran. She then sprinted. Anything she would do to be in her Mother’s arms at this very moment.
Mother realized this was no strange girl; this was her very own daughter. She too ran. The two of them collapsed into each other’s arms hugging and living in the moment. Nothing could break them apart this time. Then Mother asked, “How are you alive dear?”
Alice replied “When the vines started crawling out I ran out of my room but I left my shadow on the bed.” Uncle Marcus who at this moment was watching, wondering how this could be possible. But to tell you the truth this was very possible.
Mother took Alice home and to her surprise Sonny already had the place decorated with balloons and other cool stuff. She was watching them from a far and saw the whole thing.
Sonny had found Mothers address book and called everyone in it. She said they were all coming to have a party. As soon as Sonny finished her sentence all the party guests arrived with cakes, food, dessert and more decorations. They all had a splendid party and it stayed like that for a long time.
As for Uncle Marcus well that’s another story.

The author's comments:

Something I wrote in 8th grade. 

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