The Doll | Teen Ink

The Doll

June 4, 2015
By Ilovewrting SILVER, WHITE HOUSE, Tennessee
Ilovewrting SILVER, WHITE HOUSE, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Your beautiful I know because I made you. -God

I burned the dolls as the children had thought I was the one who had put them in their beds every night but I was not the one who did. They both were up stairs watching tv when I came in I went upstairs to check on them and when I walked into the room I had to take a double take sitting there were the two little girls holding the dolls that I had just burned. I let out a slight gasp an they turned around and Lilly said Mommy are you okay their mom replied yes sweet heart I am. Lilly and Sam turned back around and continued to watch tv there mom thought she saw the dolls blink well she put the two little girls to bed and Put the dolls on the shelf well once Moring arrived she went into their room and th two little girls where dead and the dolls where on the foot of the bed. The end    

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