A Monsters Embrace | Teen Ink

A Monsters Embrace

June 4, 2015
By XxRawr BRONZE, Pinole, California
XxRawr BRONZE, Pinole, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am the man who lives forever; I am also a pirate, captain of my own ship. Never am I seen at day, only at night do I emerge. Me and my crew fight beasts all through the night, conquering all but one, many have speculated that perhaps I don’t wish to harm this beast, this big beast that comes every dawn before the sun can fully peak, and away this beast takes me, into its loving embrace, down into the deep dark unforgiving ocean waters. No matter what I do, it always ends the same, this beast, this warm loving beast comes and before the sun can rise, she takes me. But every night I return, it’s a cycle forever repeated. I am the man, who lives forever, and once again I am being dragged under, and as always when I open my previously clenched eyes, I see the monster who is not a monster in front of me, smiling warmly. I get out of bed, tiredly, “morning mom.”    

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