Sadness x Happiness | Teen Ink

Sadness x Happiness

August 13, 2015
By hananihaifa BRONZE, Bandar Enstek, Other
hananihaifa BRONZE, Bandar Enstek, Other
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My life changed forever last Saturday night. One moment, I was reading in bed, and the next I was standing on the corner of a busy and unfamiliar city street holding a cardboard box. My first thought was that I was dreaming. Then the lights went out. But deep inside myself, I know this is not a dream...

Again, here I am in this unknown city. I wondered around as I was searching for a way to get out of this place. Where the heck is the way? Oh yeah, maybe you guys are wondering who I am right. Well, my name is Alice Heartfilia. I am a 13 years-old girl.

As you can see, I am stuck in this weird dream of mine without me knowing why and right now I am looking for a way out of this madness. I need to go home. Please, there should be a way somewhere. I think I am suffocating right now because the feeling of not knowing makes me feels stuffy.

If you are wondering what I am doing right now, I am walking through a busy street without any sense of direction or place I wanted to headed to. I just keep walking senselessly until someone bumped into me, real HARD, that make me fall down on the solid road.

I hold my sore head as I look up to see that no one really bothered to help me. Seriously?Hello... someone need help here. I sigh.

As I was busy cursing the people that did not help me and getting myself together, suddenly I heard car honking. I looked back to see a big black car is heading my way. My eyes are round as a ball.

I thought that was the end of me.

Then out of nowhere, someone pulled me back into his or her arm at the side road that make me wake up to my sense. But unfortunately, that person pulled me too hard that we collided against each other and fall down the pavement.

I was lying on the squishy pavement, wait, pavement is not supposed to be squishy, right? I looked down to see a guy under me. "Ahh!!" I squeal in shock and move away from him as I noticed the position I am in.

"Oww, my back hurts..." The guy is now stretching his body in front of me as his movement showed me he has a backache. Weirdly enough at this pavement, it seems like it is less-crowdy making me stared at him without any distraction. Good timing....I thought sarcastically.

"Are you okay?" I snapped out of my own thought as the lad ask and gave me a hand to get me up on my feet. I hesitate at first to take his hand but then I gave in eventually.

"Yeah, I'm okay", I nodded simply to his question. I squint my eyes at the sight of him. His face and figures seems really familiar. He then turned to face me and I immediately looked elsewhere. I heard him chuckled lightly. I blushed tremendously.

Since he saved me, I just might want to return the favor. I decided that I will treat him to something. He just said that there's no need to return it but I still insist. He gave up. But I just came here, how should I know where to go. As I explain myself to him that I'm not familiar with this place, he thought for awhile. It took him several minutes before a placed popped up in his mind. He excitedly took my hand and brought me to his favorite place.

Clover Café was written in front of the cafe. Huh, what an odd name.

I stepped into the café, relaxing atmosphere and the smell of caffeine greet me. The guy grabbed my hand and pull me to a table. I felt bad for calling him as "the guy". But what can I call him since he never told me his name.

A waiter came and took our order. He smiled and smirked to my saver. Guess they knew each other. He ordered us 2 slices of cake, 1 latte and 1 mocha-latte. Silence erupted our surrounding. It was a peaceful quiet, with us sitting beside the transparent glass that enable us to see people walk by. We did not talk at all so I took this chance to ask him a question.

"Pardon me but what is your name?" I cannot help but ask. Something's wrong. As soon as that question came out of my mouth, his facial turn solemn. Did I say something wrong? Then he mumbled something. Guess you can't remember... That was the only thing that I heard. "My name is Luke Greyson." He put out his hand for a handshake with a fake smile on his face.

I shook it and there was an awkward silence. Hmm where did I heard that name before? It is like the answer is at the tip of my tongue but I just can't point my finger to it.

We started a conversation after that awkward moment as he shared me some of his memories. "I had a best friend, a girl. She was, still and forever be my everything. She helped me go through my hardships and daily problems. We shared happy and painful times together. It was all fine until the moment I had to let her go. Something occur and I had to leave her. But until now, I still miss her. I keep hoping that she will be okay without me." I feel bad for him. I patted his back as I smiled at him, sincerely.

"But now I can be at ease since I can see her beautiful smile once again. I know that deep inside her she will be okay because I know she is a strong girl." He continued to look at me and flashed a happy smile. There was a long moment of silence before we resume our conversation with telling each other jokes. Along our conversation, I learned that Luke really is a kind and an easy-going person.

After finishing our coffees and cakes, Luke suddenly suggested something shocking. "Hey, let's go to the funfair. It will be dark soon so that is the most accurate time to have fun there. We should have fun while it lasted since we might not be able to see each other again, right?" I just nodded, agreeing to his suggestion.

I don't why I didn't feel insecure around him instead I felt like I have known him for a long time. We weren't awkward with each other at all. I feel comfortable and at ease when I am with him. Something about him that made me reminds of someone I vaguely remember.

We played so many things that I even forgot about my own problem. Luke really know how to entertain people. I had a lot of fun today because of him. I got to play the roller coaster, haunted house, carousel, bumper car and we even got to eat ice cream.

"Hey Luke, I had so much fun today, thanks to you. It's been awhile since I had so much fun," I said as licked my rainbow-coloured ice cream.

I look up to him as he showed me such a sincere smile yet solemn. He ruffles my hair as he gaze at me. Then he stared at the sky.

"You know, I am happy to know that you are having fun. You should have fun and smile more while you still can. Maybe by doing that, someone will be at ease as he leaves. " He soon stands up from the bench we are sitting and headed to my most favorite ride of all, the ferris wheel.

I got to ride it with Luke . As our 'car' was at the very top where you eventually can even touch the sky, the ferris wheel suddenly stopped. Why did it stop? I mentally scratched my not-so itchy head. As I was looking outside, fireworks start to show up. I was amazed at the sight of it. How can the timing be so perfect like it is planned...It can't be right..

I looked at Luke's direction and I was caught-off guard by his sad smile. He walked towards me and leaned near me as his breath can be felt at my neck, sending shivers through my spine.

He leaned to my ear and whisper, "Levy, you shouldn't blame yourself for something that happened. Blaming yourself won't do any good. You should just let it go and move on. Some people are worried about you as you shut yourself out from the outside world. You shouldn't do that. I will worry about you more and regretted that I leave you so soon, so please Levy, please. Don't shut yourself out because of me. Don't make me regret it."

He continued,"I could never forget you Levy and I never will. I am sorry I left you alone and I can never go back to you." Shaken can be clearly heard in his voice. "I know that you had it hard after I left", He suddenly hugged me. A sudden pain shot through me. Don't do this Luke...

"But promise me this, you will never regret any of your decision and be your cheerful self even when I am not around okay? Promise me this as this is my last request for you." He tighten his hug before he slowly back off. Why can't I remember anything damn it? I was so frustrated that I didn't even know tears started to flow. My body react themself towards this comforting but sad hug. But then, I can see a tear stream down his face eventhough he hung his head low. He look up at me as he smiled "And promise me this too, ...."


I woke up, huffing heavily. I touch my face. Water, tears? Did I cried in my sleep? Woah, that is something. I quickly get up and headed to the bathroom to wash up. As I was tying my hair into a pony-tail style, I saw my picture with my best friend, Luke who died a month ago because of leukemia, in a frame on top of my drawer. I smiled at the thought of him.

A picture of him smiling while looking at me came through my mind "And promise me this too, you will keep that box of our precious memories safe deep in your heart." I put my hand at my chest, where my hearts are beating, I will promise you that,Luke.

The author's comments:

Well I just hope that my friendship will be like this too

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