First Love Chapter 1 | Teen Ink

First Love Chapter 1

February 17, 2016
By DOCTORWHEREISCAS!? BRONZE, Surfside Beach, South Carolina
DOCTORWHEREISCAS!? BRONZE, Surfside Beach, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a girl named Deja she wasn’t all that popular and she didn’t always think that good of herself but she had a group of friends that would stand by her no matter what. One day Deja walked into school and the day seemed to be going good until she was tripped and had ice coffee thrown all over her. She got up her eyes almost in tears she was humiliated and all people could do was laugh until a hand found hers on the ground. He lifted her up and apologized and gave her his sweatshirt to dry the stain he took her to the cafeteria where people were still all laughing he apologized again and put his head down and felt so bad she picked him up and told him it was all right and asked what his name was. He gulped and responded slowly “my name is Anthony, you’re not going tell the principal or anything?” she shook her head and let out a little laugh “no, I was thinking about but I’ve never seen you before, are you new here?”
  “Yeah second day, I was nervous and listening to music and I wasn’t looking where I was going”
  Deja felt some relief knowing it was an accident. “I’m Deja, freshman”. Anthony smiled and to her it was almost cute he had a scar on his lip and over his eye they were little but she noticed them she hadn’t really looked at him in detail he had sandy blonde hair and bluish grey eyes and a green t-shirt sneakers and jeans. She looked him over he was tannish but there were white lines that she instantly knew were scars he has been at my level once before she thought “Anthony, freshmen”
  She looked at him and nervously asked “umm you want to be friends, if not that’s totally ok I mean like¬--¬¬ “He cut her off before she could say more “I’d love to”.
After that she found out they had all the same classes and she invited him to sit next to her in each one she laughed and joked all class until the teachers told them to be quiet and do their work. She was having a good day and great thoughts but every time she thought about Anthony she wondered about his scars and if this was all just a joke. So after a couple mins of laughing he had his wrist turned over tapping it on the table and she pretended to just now notice them and looked at each white line against his tan skin, she took his hand and brought her finger across of each of his scars she counted “26” glancing up at him and he had a look of disappointment on his face she questioned him “what drove you to this?” he responded “I could ask you the same thing” she looked away peering at her own slowly fading scars “years of nothing but dread and pain” he took her hand and held it in his “join the club” he said with a little laugh.
Even though she normally would be sad and have her head down by this point just the way he was made her smile. “Hey Anthony so class is going to end soon and ya know I was wondering maybe we could hang out sometime” unlacing their fingers she slowly prepared for him to turn her down. Anthony pulled out his iPhone and handed it to her “put in your number and you tell me when to pick you up and where were going and I’ll be there in a heartbeat” He smiled just as a girl named Alysha the whore of the class walked up and sat on Anthony’s desk flirtatiously flipping her hair and leaning down towards him showing off her loose clothing to him. Well there goes the only boy that ever care for me Deja thought to herself, “Hi Anthony welcome to Hamilton High School I hope Deja isn’t bothering you with her “oh pity me im all sad and depressed” act is she?” Deja buried her head in her desk and slowly let a tear fall on the cold wood beneath her wishing this could just end and she could a leave. Anthony slowly slipped his hand into hers and laughed showing off his big smile and looked directly into Alysha’s eyes with a cold piercing stare and with confidence in his voice he spoke so the class could hear him “Well, Alysha as horrifying it is to smell that repulsing perfume, I didn’t think your insults could come out of your mouth faster than your legs opened.” The class snickered and Anthony heard someone yell “that’s a roast!” Alysha’s face flustered with anger “Excuse me what did you--” Anthony cut her off before she could finish her sentence and held up his hand “second of all I don’t know what would give me and asthma attack first, that knock off Victoria secret perfume you bought at the flea market or me trying to count all the guys you’ve screwed.” Deja and the class were laughing hysterically and at one point a student fell out of his chair and was crying on the floor, while the teacher tried to calm the class down Alysha shot daggers at Anthony giving him a stare that would make a grown man tremble. “And finally I will ask you to get off of my desk and leave this girl alone because she wasn’t giving me the ‘pity me speech’-he mocked her “She was giving me her number and before you say anything else I do know about you I’ve seen your Instagram and there is more clothing on a nude beach then there is on you in your photos so have a great day and please stay out of my life.”

The author's comments:

i know the grammer may be alittle off but its only chapter one if you like it or have any suggestions please tell me

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