May 6, 2016
By Killing_Kronos BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Killing_Kronos BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best way to predict the future is to create it" -Abe Lincoln

The black liquid rushed into the moat making the night darker, then flames streaked into the night landing in the oil making an invulnerable wall of inferno. It was inconceivable they made it through, their charred flesh burned to our nostrils and the gruesome sight of them were stomach churning. Our defenses were rolled in on the rough terrain. The ballista was manned by four of the lowest class villagers, the creatures kept coming and the sight was putrid. Limbs and blood even stood out in the darkness and our own laid on the ground torn apart our livestock was splotched on the creature’s faces, I stood upon the gray-stone gate holding them back from our people. They were bloody torn apart creatures that were driven for blood and meat, that’s when I heard a magnificent sound of stallion’s trotting down the path with the clinking of knights on their backs. Three knights came rushing onto the battle field, steel was gleaming while they were slashed into the air and many of the creatures dropped onto the battlefield.

We were being rushed by the creatures as the last of them dug into the stallions flesh and the knight’s armor, the others came rushing onto the gray-stone gate, and I helmed my chain mail and put on my helmet awaiting the battle. Yet it never came to me, the ground shook so much I had to constantly change my footing every few minutes. The gate was being bombarded by these bloody creatures, then it came crashing down on top of them and me… The morning star was just rising when I came to my senses, the armor saved me and the creatures were coming scarcely like the sun was burning them. I stood up upon the fallen gate to the kingdom as armored men came out to secure the area…
The sun dipped down into the horizon as bodies rose from the other side like usual they came slow at first not blood driven yet, I was on a horse ready to go into the crowd of the dead. It seemed the ones that survived the creatures yet were scratched or bitten went ill, I started to gallop to the herd of the gruesome creatures… I was slashing at the creatures and that’s when one grabbed my stallion and ripped off its leg and started to rip into the poor horse, then they started at me trying to dig into the chain mail yet without success, until they broke one chain and started to feast, everything went dark, darker than usual, I was dead, they killed me. We lost the battle, the dead won.


The author's comments:

My story is about zombies in the dark ages.

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