The Open Door (Chapter 2) | Teen Ink

The Open Door (Chapter 2)

May 13, 2016
By burnsnj9916 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
burnsnj9916 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 2
The castle shook with so much force that the unoccupied throne toppled over with a thundering CRASH. The “quake” repeated itself several more times before stopping and revealing all of the screaming taking place just outside the castles throne room. A score of knights came in and looked at the five people mounted up on thrones and nodded. They addressed me with a slight nod and saying “Our worst fears have been realized, they sense your presence here.” I hadn’t the slightest clue what they were talking about but I figured that whatever was outside, wasn’t an earthquake…

The roof came off, the doors were broke down, and the kings disappeared, leaving me and the 20 guards to defend agents an army of _______ (what they were I don’t know, I know they were really UGLY). One of the guards tossed me a bow and quiver of arrows, what I did next made me look like I had been practicing with a bow since the beginning of time. I notched an arrow and fired at the first non-human through the door. It hit it square between the eyes and he disappeared into nothing but a cloud of swirling black mist. I was so surprised that I didn’t notice the other monsters coming in. I notched another arrow and once again it connected with its target at a week point in its armor. I repeated the process until all of the monsters were gone, leaving the floor covered in the black, swirling mist of the monsters death. All of the knights stared at me in aww. I said something really smart like “dud uh,” I myself was very surprised even though I hit monsters about ten times in a row (so I knew that it wasn’t luck). As if on que, a figure, a human (with all the hair it could have been a bear standing on two legs) entered the now clear room. He had eyes as black as the depths of the ocean, his body was large and muscular with what appeared to be sharpened bones for weapons. I knew that however many arrows I shot at him or how many swords stabbed him, he wouldn’t die from arrow or sword. I thought I would try my luck and take a shot; the surprising thing was that the arrow never got close, it was like it ceased to exist when it got close to him. Some of the soldiers tried their luck also, the same thing happened to their swords and armor. The figure snapped his fingers and all of the knights dropped dead at our feat, I didn’t think about how I was the only one that wasn’t the monster still standing.
“You’re the one I need,” he said
“Why me, I’m nothing special”
“That’s what they all say, then they find their powers. You already found some of your many extraordinary abilities.”
I had no idea what to say, I hadn’t ever picked up a bow before yet I was good at it, really good, but still why me, that was the question going through my head. No matter how much he flattered me, he killed 20 good men that probably had families, I was going to avenge them. I struck first with a quick shot into his chest; it must have taken him by surprise because the arrow was still there, ankle deep in hair and flesh of whatever he was, a murderer, mas-murderer,  I had a feeling it was more than that. He struck back by pulling out one of his bone knives (I didn’t want to know where he got them or who he got them from) and barely missing a blow to my chest, I wasn’t sure if I dodged it or if he had bad aim; I hoped he had bad aim. He took one last look at me and said “I’ll be back,” and just as he had appeared, he vanished, thus ending my first wonderful day in the land with all of my long lost friends. 


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