The Time Crooks | Teen Ink

The Time Crooks

September 2, 2016
By RugFlippinRabit BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
RugFlippinRabit BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The Time Crooks
In the year 6348…
“Go! Go! Go! The time police are coming!”
“Get back here you thieves!” Bloop… “They’re gone! They used their tele-time-orator! How do we get them now” asked Officer 3? “Those delinquents, always trying to cause ruckus.”
“Officer 3 repeat,” commanded Officer 1.
  “Officer 3 on duty,” He replied. “The time kids have gone back in time how do we get them?”
“Zac! Where are we?” gulped Zil.
“I sent us back in time to some school called Ranch o’ Cilantro in 2016.”
“Wowsers! Everything is so old! Look at these kids using Dell laptops.”
As they were running, “Let’s find a place to hide” said Zil.
Bloop! “Gotcha’ now kids,” as Officer 3 grabs both of them. He time warped back to time jail in 6348.
“Officer 3, Good job,” exulted Officer 1. “You have nowhere to hide. As the “crooks” get arrested they think of a plan, but in the end they ultimately failed and the time cell isolated them once again. Bloop…the sound of a time-tele-orator.
“Where did they go this time?” exclaimed Officer 3”

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